Egghead Quiz


Answer TRUE or FALSE to these questions to find out how much you know about the incredible edible egg.

  1. An extremely old egg will sink to the bottom of a bowl of water.
  2. You can tell if an egg is raw or cooked by spinning it on a table top.
  3. The color of the egg yolk is determined by the food the chicken has eaten.
  4. It’s best to use the freshest eggs possible for over-easy or sunny-side-up eggs because the yolk in these eggs will be less likely to break.
  5. Most of an egg’s nutrition is in the white. The yolk is only fat.
  6. Eggs are good for your eyes.
  7. Get the freshest eggs possible when making hard-cooked eggs; this will make them easier to peel.
  8. One large egg has 150 calories.
  9.  Eggs should be stored in the carton in the refrigerator.
  10. Because egg shells are hard (especially after hard cooking) they are great foods to take on a hike because they don’t need to be refrigerated and they will keep all day.
  11. The green ring or halo that is sometimes found around the yolk of a hard cooked (hard-boiled) egg is caused by overheating or overcooking.
  12. Because of the high cholesterol in the yolks all eggs should be avoided.
  13. You need to have a rooster (male chicken) to get eggs.
  14.  Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.


  1. FALSE an extremely old egg will float to the top. As an egg gets older moisture evaporates through the porous egg shell. As this happens an air pocket develops inside the shell as the air pocket gets bigger the egg will float. However, this is not always a reliable tool to tell the age of an egg. A newly laid egg may also float, as occasionally a hen will lay an egg with a larger air cell.
  1. TRUE A raw egg will wobble due to the moving liquid inside the shell.  A cooked egg will easily spin.
  1. TRUE The yolk color depends upon the plant pigment in the hen’s feed.  Natural yellow-orange substances such as marigolds petals may be added to light-colored feed to enhance the yolk’s color. Artificial colors are not permitted to be added to the food.
  1. TRUE The fresher the egg the stronger the membrane surrounding the yolk.  A sign that an egg is older is when the white gets thinner and the yolk gets flatter.  When the yolk membrane gets weaker the more likely it will break during cooking.
  1. FALSE Most of an egg’s nutrients are in the yolk. The yolk has a high percentage of an egg’s vitamins. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. Egg yolks also contain choline which is an essential nutrient for fetal development during pregnancy and aids in the brain function of adults. However, there is more protein in the white (3.6 grams) than in the yolk (2.7 grams). There is no fat in the white and 4.5 grams in the yolk.
  1. TRUE This is especially true as you get older. It is specifically the substances in the plant pigments that cause the yolks to be yellow that have been shown to reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  1. FALSE Older eggs peel more easily.  Eggs are easier to peel when they are a week to 10 days old.  Evaporation through the shell weakens the membrane holding the white to the shell allowing the shells to come off easier after cooking.
  1. FALSE Eggs have a high nutrient density.  One egg provides many nutrients in proportion to its calorie contents.  Nutrient dense foods help you get nutrition without excess calories.  There are 13 essential nutrients in one egg with only 72 calories in one large egg.
  1. TRUE They will age more in one day at room temperature than they will one week in the refrigerator.  Eggs will keep up to three weeks after you bring them home from the store. Another reason to store eggs in the carton in the refrigerator is so they won’t absorb refrigerator odors.
  1. FALSE The egg shells are very porous (17,000 tiny pores in the shell of one large egg).  These pores allow moisture to move in and out of the shell both when the egg is raw or cooked.) Once cooked eggs need to be refrigerated. Hard-cooked (hard-boiled) eggs should only be kept unrefrigerated for no longer than two hours.  So if you’re taking them on a hike or picnic keep them in a cooler.
  1. TRUE   The greenish “halo” is caused by the reaction of the sulfur in the egg white with the iron in the yolk.  This happens when the eggs have been cooked too long or at too high a temperature. Cooking eggs in hot water, not boiling water and then cooling immediately minimizes the green. While this green ring might be unsightly it is harmless and safe to eat.
  1. FALSE  Dietary cholesterol has long been a hot topic surrounded by confusion. There is less dietary cholesterol in eggs than people have thought over the years. There are 186 milligrams of cholesterol in one egg. This cholesterol is found in the yolk. The US Dietary Guidelines recommend Americans recommend eating less than 300 mg dietary cholesterol per day and consuming less than 200 mg per day can further help people at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
  1. FALSE You only need to have hens (female chickens) to get eggs. But you do need to have a rooster to get fertilized eggs. It takes 24-26 hours for a hen to produce an egg. After an egg is laid the hen starts over again about 30 minutes later.  Most eggs are laid between 7 and 11 in the morning.
  1. FALSE The color of the shell is not related to the quality, flavor, nutritional content or cooking properties of an egg.  The difference in shell color is due to difference in hen breeds.  Hens that lay brown eggs are larger and require more feed than hens that lay white eggs. For that reason, eggs with brown shells usually cost more.

How’d you do?

  • If you got 11-14 You’re an EGGHEAD!  Good job!
  • 8-10  EGG-cellent! You know your eggs!
  • 4-7 You’re a little hard boiled when it comes to eggs.
  • 3 or less Don’t look now but you have egg-on-your-face!

Source:  Egg Nutrition Center ( and the American Egg Board (

By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS
Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

Check out all of our fruit and veggie posters for spring


Press Release: Employee Health Programs

For Immediate Release: February 18, 2016
Media and Consumer Inquiries: 800-462-2352

Vallejo, CA — Judy Doherty, PC II and founder of Food and Health Communications Incorporated, has just released 4 comprehensive wellness and weight management programs for businesses and their employees. These are the only employee weight loss programs available that include information from the 2015 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, along with comprehensive nutrition education data and eating plan support. There’s also an extensive review of the importance of building wellness and managing stress.

These are updates to previous editions of highly-successful programs. The consumer response has been resounding acclaim, with one hospital helping 3,102 employees lose a grand total of 9,530 pounds in 10 weeks. The materials make it easy to create, launch, promote, and sustain an employee weight loss program, with lots of games and contests along the way. The brand-new update for 2016 builds on the successful past programs, adding the latest scientific research (including 2015 dietary guidelines materials), updating the presentation art and images, and streamlining all the information to be most relevant for the consumers of today. Each program is available by instant download and on a flash drive as well. There’s also an auto-update download system for newer editions as they are released.

All of these nutrition education programs are available at The 4 complete weight loss programs for a year include…

  • The 12 Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss
  • 12 More Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss
  • 12 Lessons of Wellness and Weight Management for Kids (perfect for schools!)
  • 12 Lessons of Diabetes

Former purchasers of these employee weight loss contests should use the contact link at the bottom of the page of to get their updated version of these materials. For more information, visit or call 800-462-2352.

New Nutrition Education Store

For Immediate Release: January 19, 2016
Media and Consumer Inquiries: 800-462-2352

Vallejo, CA — Food and Health Communications, Inc has just launched an all-new educational materials store. This new site makes accessing the latest science-based and engaging resources both simple and straightforward. The site, which remains under the name Nutrition Education Store, is now hosted by Shopify and boasts a variety of new features that will make the lives of nutrition and health educators easier.

The new store includes…

  • Posters
  • Handouts
  • Brochures
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Displays
  • Prizes
  • Banners
  • Games
  • Floor Stickers
  • DVDs
  • Workbooks
  • Placemats
  • Bulletin Boards
  • And More!

Interested parties can access the comprehensive store at This store features lots of fan-favorite materials, addressing a wide range of subjects. For example, the store includes materials that cover…

  • The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  • MyPlate
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Physical Activity
  • Nutrients
  • Portion Control
  • And More!

Judy Doherty, PC II and founder of Food and Health Communications, Inc. spearheaded this launch in order to provide vital resources to busy health educators. This newly-designed store will offer health and nutrition materials to people who will use them to improve the lives of their clients.

For more information, visit,, or call 800-462-2352.

Here are a few of the newest materials for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans…

Dietary Guidelines Poster

Health Hopscotch Floor Sticker 

Dietary Guidelines PowerPoint

Muscle vs. Fat: What’s the Difference?

Muscle vs Fat PosterToday I want to bring you a special treat from the Nutrition Education Store! This Muscle vs. Fat poster is one of our top-selling resources, popular with a wide range of health educators. Since all of the posters we make come with a handout, now I’d like to share the handout that comes with this popular poster, for free! I hope you like it!

Weight is weight, right? Does what makes up the weight actually make a difference? Surely a pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat, right?

Well, it’s not that simple.

What makes up the weight you carry can have an impact on your health, appearance, physical abilities, and general well-being.

Muscle and fat could not be more different in terms of both structure and role.

Let’s Talk About Muscle:

Some muscles attach to your skeletal system. Others are key to the circulatory and digestive systems. Your heart is a muscle, and so is your bicep. Muscles are vital to the way your body runs!

Muscles use up calories in order to function, and they generally use up more calories than fat does (1). According to a paper published in the Exercise and Sport Sciences Review, “exercise improves the capacity of muscle to oxidize fat” (2). Since “reduced rates of fat oxidation […] have been shown to predict weight gain” (2), regular exercise can give muscles a boost in their fat oxidation, making it easier for you to control your weight.

Muscle is also denser than fat, which means that a pound of it will take up less space than a pound of fat. This can impact your physical appearance.

Let’s Talk About Fat:

Your body does need some fat, but it doesn’t need a ton of it. Fat helps store energy, insulate organs, and can even help the messenger systems in your body function. It also stores some nutrients, like vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Fat doesn’t use up as many calories as muscle does. Meanwhile, fat cells store more calories than muscle cells do (1).

In terms of appearance, a person with a higher body fat percentage will appear larger than a person with a lower percentage, even though they weigh the same.


Like what you see? Here’s the handout, for free! How will you use your copy?

Muscle vs Fat Handout

And there’s lots more in the Nutrition Education Store

Great visual aids!

Muscle and Fat Replicas

BMI 101 Education Set

Ideal Body Weight Bookmark

A Farmers’ Market Tale

Do you know about the benefits of farmers’ markets?

I truly believe that farmers’ markets can benefit everyone involved. The local farmers can be empowered as entrepreneurs and the customers get out, get exercise, and replenish vitamin D. The customers are apt to buy more fruits and vegetables too. Of course, farmers’ markets are also great family events.

That’s why I’m sharing a free handout about farmers’ markets today. It’s a great resource for your clients and is chock-full of tips and tricks for making the most of a trip to the market. Get your copy today!

I love to take photos of food at farmers’ markets. What can I say? It’s kind of an obsession.

AmaranthRecently, I went to an open air farmers’ market in Davis California. Did you know that that market was voted “America’s Best Farmers’ Market”? How cool is that?!

Anyway, while I was there, I was transfixed by the color and freshness of all the foods spilling over the stands. The produce was so beautiful — it really looked home grown and hand picked. The farmers were all so proud too. It was a moving experience to watch them selling everything to droves of people. With all that bounty, who couldn’t be enticed to try something new and healthful?

With that thought, inspiration was born.

I knew that food and health educators could use the images of these amazing fruits and vegetables in order to promote a healthful diet and lifestyle. I snapped away with my camera and chose my best shots to turn into classy posters that we could sell in the Nutrition Education Store.

The light was perfect for photographing, so I ended up having a whole bunch of winning photos to choose from. Once I picked my favorites, I used a software program to create an artistic oil painting effect. That brought me closer to the show-stopping posters I envisioned, but I wasn’t quite there yet. I wracked my brain. What could make these posters perfect?

Metallic paper was the answer.

By taking the oil painting photos and printing them on metallic paper, the images went from “wow” to “OH WOW.”

Asparagus Oil Painting

I wanted these posters to be highly creative, visual, and positive. They represent a way to have truly versatile fruit and vegetable art that can be displayed in myriad ways…

  • They can used in the offices of food and nutrition educators. The whole display is 24 inches X 20 inches – which is almost the size of a jumbo poster!
  • They can be posted at farmer’s markets. Separate photos help inspire and add color and art to the display.
  • They can be part of health fairs, as either displays or giveaways (or both!).

Because I genuinely want everyone to give the farmers’ market experience a try, and because trying new and fun foods is so important to a healthful lifestyle, I’ve kept the price of these new posters very low. That way, more people can make them a part of their lives.

If you’re at all interested in this new food art bundle, then get the details today. Each image is 8 inches by 10 inches and printed on metallic paper. The set contains 6 different prints, to be displayed or distributed as you see fit. Check them out!

I’ve been feeling really inspired lately, and so the store is jam-packed with great new nutrition education materials. Some of my personal favorite new arrivals are below…

6 Pack Farmers’ Market Prints

I Heart Fruit and Veggies Poster

MyPlate Plastic Plate Set

By Judy Doherty, PC II and Founder of Food and Health Communications, Inc.

2 Amazing Bundles for Schools

What is it about poster bundles?

12 Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss Poster SetThe poster bundles we have in the store are some of our very top sellers, and we’re always getting rave reviews from happy customers (check out the testimonial page for details). Since these bundles are so popular, we’re always looking for ways to combine our posters in order to make the most effective nutrition education materials.

So imagine my happiness when I got a call from a foodservice director who was strategizing poster pairings for two different age groups.

The foodservice director had noticed that her students simply weren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, no matter what the schools tried. This was a particular issue with kids in elementary school and high school.

So, what the director wanted to do was get a bunch of different posters that promoted healthful habits and put them in the schools. She needed two sets — one that would appeal to elementary school students and another that would appeal to high schoolers.

We brainstormed for a while on the phone, and then my team and I got to work. When we were done, we had created 2 new poster sets — one for each age group.

Elementary Poster SetThe Elementary Nutrition Poster Set has 7 posters that communicate key health messages in ways that are both memorable and appealing to kids. The set includes the following posters (and the handouts that accompany them)…

These posters highlight health lessons like eating more vegetables and trying new and healthful foods. They are specially designed with kids in mind, communicating their messages creatively and effectively.

High School Poster SetThe High School Nutrition 8 Poster Set appeals to older kids. It features 8 different posters that outline and support the most important health lessons for kids in high school. The set includes the following posters and their handouts…

The foodservice director was thrilled with the combinations, which is why we decided to set up these nutrition poster sets in the store. Now you can get them too! Check out the High School Nutrition 8 Poster Set and the Elementary Nutrition Poster Set today! And remember, there’s always more in the store!

By Judy Doherty, PC II and Founder of Food and Health Communications, Inc.

Are you looking for resources to help students? Then check out this free Nutrition Infographic for Kids! It’s packed with great ideas and fun pictures, perfect for any kid who needs to learn the basics of nutrition.



Top Nutrition Education Posters

Nothing brightens up a space better than a poster, and the posters at the Nutrition Education Store are the best in the business. With colorful pictures and creative text, these posters make it easy to educate your clients in a way that they’ll actually remember.

In fact, one of our customers outlined the benefits of nutrition education posters far better than we could. Doug Barg of Kitchen Cred wrote “We’ve hung [your posters] all over to help transform what was a fairly dingy basement into a warm and educational environment. The posters have been a great resource pedagogically both as primary teaching tools and as ongoing reinforcement.  And even when we’re not paying attention to the specific content, they are visually pleasing. Thanks!”

Now, which poster is best for your audience?

If you’re teaching a workshop on healthful cooking, food art or recipe posters may be the most helpful, and if you’re doing a seminar on diabetes, a diabetes poster would probably be your best bet, but if you’re just looking to brighten up a space or teach some key health lessons, then you have a lot of options. Check out this list of the top 5 posters that we sell in the store. These 5 posters are the most popular and well-reviewed posters we have.

The question is, which will you get?

Poster #5: MyPlate for Kids

This poster takes the lessons of MyPlate and makes them even easier to understand and remember. With it, you can show kids how they can fill their plates with healthful choices from each food group. This poster is full of phrases and images that will appeal especially to kids. Plus, the illustrations show only healthful foods from each group, coming together to make each plate a winner. It’s also chock-full of tips to help kids get the proper amounts of MyPlate food choices each day. Use this USDA MyPlate poster in your classroom, on a bulletin board, or at wellness fairs.

Debbi Kennedy author of Ditch the Drive-Thru raves, “Just got my posters and they are fantastic!! Can’t wait to hang them up at my classes! So eye catching and very easy to understand… LOVE them! I will definitely be ordering more at the end of the month. Thanx so much!”

Order your copy of the MyPlate for Kids poster today!

Poster #4: Exam Room MyPlate Poster

The lessons of MyPlate aren’t just for kids. In this condensed and simple poster, the keys to healthful eating are clearly outlined, then supported with creative art. Instead of text and drawings, the portions and proportions advocated by MyPlate are represented primarily through photographs. This makes eyeballing balanced portions a snap!

The USDA’s MyPlate is prominently featured on the poster, offering new ways to put a meal together without a complex formula.

This nutrition poster is useful not only because it supports the key message of balancing food groups, but also because it only features heart-healthy, nutrient-rich foods in each category. When creating this poster, we didn’t have to add processed foods and could rely on the latest science-based information, because Food and Health Communications is not supported by big industry advertising.

Get the Exam Room MyPlate Poster now!

Poster #3: 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set

Ha ha, you caught us — this one isn’t a single poster. Nevertheless, this value set outsells all but 2 posters in the store, so we think it has a well-deserved spot on this list.

The 12 posters featured in this set include:

This poster set is so useful that it has already been featured in a previous post on this blog: The Perfect Curriculum for Nutrition Education. Check out that post to discover why each poster was chosen for the set and see what health messages each option communicates.

Own the 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set yourself!

Poster #2: MyPlate Poster

What’s that? MyPlate again? Well, this classic poster is one of the most popular we’ve ever made. It’s perfect for a wide range of occasions, and its attractive design communicates the most important health messages clearly and effectively.

But don’t take our word for it. Check out this rave review from Karen Newton, Program Manager at West Virginia University Cooperative Extension “Thanks! Your MyPlate poster just arrived and it looks great! It is already posted on the hallway for all to see.”

Marla Hill, RD, CD, adds her praise as well, explaining, “many of the posters from Nutrition Education Store are colorful, interesting to the eye, and fun to look at. They are a real draw to a booth, especially in this instance where English skills may be limited for some. Thank you for providing such cost effective and well done posters.”

Purchase a MyPlate Poster today!

Poster #1: Fall in Love with Salad

Here it is — the top selling poster in the Nutrition Education Store. Who would have guessed that salad would be at the front of the line? Well, it turns out that salad, though a healthful nutrition powerhouse, is sometimes a hard sell. Make it easier with this health poster!

Why should people eat salad? Well, eating salad is a great way to get enough veggies, an even better way to consume fewer calories, and a downright amazing way to get more nutrients and fiber! This poster lists 6 salad lover tips, 3 reasons to love salads, and a guide to spicing up your salad.

Of course, if you’d like to offer a more comprehensive look at healthful salads that are both simple and tasty, check out the book Salad Secrets. It comes with multiple photos per recipe, a PowerPoint show about the benefits of salad, and a bonus salad eBook.

Pick up a Fall in Love with Salad poster right now!

So that’s it. The top 5 posters in the Nutrition Education Store. Were you surprised by the results? Which posters will you choose?

The Perfect Curriculum for Nutrition Education

Give your Nutrition Month curriculum a boost with a guide to nutrition posters and health education taken from our new 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set. Simply follow this curriculum, in this order, for a complete nutrition education poster program — no late nights or program design required.

Vitamins and Minerals Chart

Start with the ridiculously informative Vitamins and Minerals poster (pictured above). This nutrition poster offers an amazing way for your clients to gain insight into which foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. The poster’s intuitive design makes it easy to see which foods are full of nutrients, while the colorful layout and bright photography ensure that your clients will want to take a closer look.

MyPlate is a fantastic guide to balanced eating!

Once everyone has reviewed the Vitamins and Minerals poster, move on to this MyPlate poster. MyPlate is a guide to healthful and balanced eating. One of the best ways to communicate the messages of MyPlate is through visual aids like this poster. Have your audience take a good look at this plate. How can they model their own meals after MyPlate? For inspiration, have them check out the bottom of the poster, which includes an illustrated list of healthful options from each food group.

Just the Facts, Ma'am, Just the Facts

The next feature of the Nutrition Month poster curriculum is this guide to reading Nutrition Facts labels in 3 easy steps. The Nutrition Facts poster offers simple strategies for deciphering the messages on the sides of food packages. The Nutrition Facts label can be tricky, but once people know how to find the right information, it can be a crucial tool that they can use in their journey to healthful eating.

Don't make these mistakes!

Of course, deciphering the Nutrition Facts panel is not always easy. That’s why you need the 5 Mistakes of Label Reading poster as well. Help your participants sidestep these shortfalls before they make the same mistakes! The 5 Mistakes of Label Reading poster covers the following errors: ignoring the Nutrition Facts label, eating a full container instead of a single serving size, choosing foods that are too high in sodium, mistaking the terms “sugar-free” or “fat-free” for “calorie-free,” and believing advertisers’ claims instead of looking at the actual nutrition information on the box.

ARE you drinking candy?

Now that you’ve established the “big picture” of eating right, it’s time to start looking at the details. We’re talking about the little things that can either make or break a new approach to healthful eating. Let’s start with sugar. While it’s easier to cut down on sugar by eating fewer cookies and other sweets, many people don’t realize how much sugar they are actually drinking. Use the Are You Drinking Candy? poster to help your clients discover and remember the sugar content of seemingly innocuous drinks. Which are healthful? Which are not?

Fat awareness poster

Once your clients have built up their sugar awareness, it’s time to do the same for fat. The How Much Fat Is In That? poster offers a wonderful way to help people learn about fat content through engaging visuals. Your audience may be surprised to learn that while a large double burger has 50 grams of fat, a chicken ranch salad has almost the same amount, weighing in with a whopping 48 grams of fat. Help people build their fat awareness by putting up this fantastic poster.

Sodium education poster

Let’s take a moment to talk about salt. Lots of Americans eat way more salt than the should. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most people should “Reduce daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) and further reduce intake to 1,500 mg among persons who are 51 and older and those of any age who are African American or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.” But how can your clients avoid the sneaky sodium bombs that are so common in canned, frozen, and restaurant food? Why, with the tools that this poster offers, of course. The Low Sodium Choices poster highlights low-sodium foods from each MyPlate food group, ensuring that your audience will be able to list at least a few options that are good for them and low in salt. It’s a win-win!

With portion sizes skyrocketing, this Portion Control poster is the perfect resource to help put these changes in perspective. With strategies for managing large portions, a guide to eyeballing the proper serving sizes, and an order size calorie chart, this poster imparts the keys of portion control in an engaging and informative way, which makes it the perfect next step in a nutrition education curriculum.

It's fun to make the DASH!

When it comes to healthful diets, the DASH diet can’t be beat. After all, it just topped the list in the ranking of popular diet plans by the U.S. News and World Report. You see, in 2014, for the 4th year in a row, the DASH diet earned the title of “best overall diet.” So teach your clients how to incorporate its principles into their own eating plans with this handy DASH Diet poster. It features healthful foods that are key parts of the DASH diet, and it also lists the recommended servings from various food groups for a look at a typical day on the DASH diet plan.

Who wants a high five?

Of course, no approach to healthful eating would be complete without a discussion of fiber. That’s where the High 5 for Fiber poster comes in. It’s creative, bright, and filled with fiber-rich foods. What better way to increase the appeal of fiber than with beautiful pictures of tasty foods that are rich in fiber and good for your health?

You can do it!

Grains are some of the best sources of fiber out there, but too many people choose low-fiber refined grains over fiber-rich whole grains. Put a stop to that mentality with the adorable Go for the Whole Grains poster, which highlights the health benefits of each element of whole grains while listing easy-to-find and delicious whole grain foods.

Make physical activity a part of your day

The last poster in the nutrition education poster curriculum covers physical activity. Physical activity and good health often go hand in hand, and the Be Active Every Day poster serves as the perfect reminder that exercise is a key part of a healthful lifestyle. When combined with a healthful and nutritious diet, regular physical activity has even more amazing health payoffs. End your series on a high note with this colorful, creative, and engaging poster.

What are you waiting for? Save yourself hours of work and use this easy curriculum. You can get a set of these posters now, or order your favorites a la carte!

Buy the Set: Get the 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set and save $140 (versus buying each poster separately). Did we mention the set includes free standard shipping?

12 Nutrition Posters Value Set

Or pick up a few items a la carte:

Sneak Peek: Home Run Cooking

This month’s free handout is a real treat! With it, you will have access to material that isn’t even available for purchase yet. The handout of the month is a guide to poaching, put together by Judy Doherty, PC II and excerpted from the soon-to-be-published book, Home Run Cooking.

Poaching Guide

Download the Poaching Guide now!

This page takes a closer look at poaching, which is a cooking method that employs moist heat in order to prepare food. When it comes to making meals, there are three major categories — moist heat, dry heat, and no heat. The Home Run Cooking book covers all three in great detail. Get more information about Home Run Cooking, or take a look at other options the store has to offer…

Home Run Cookbook and Education Program

Vegetable Photos Poster

Salt Display Kit

Healthy Meals Photos Poster Features Meals from Home Run Cooking Book

Remember to check back here next month for another free handout!