The Perfect Curriculum for Nutrition Education

Give your Nutrition Month curriculum a boost with a guide to nutrition posters and health education taken from our new 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set. Simply follow this curriculum, in this order, for a complete nutrition education poster program — no late nights or program design required.

Vitamins and Minerals Chart

Start with the ridiculously informative Vitamins and Minerals poster (pictured above). This nutrition poster offers an amazing way for your clients to gain insight into which foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. The poster’s intuitive design makes it easy to see which foods are full of nutrients, while the colorful layout and bright photography ensure that your clients will want to take a closer look.

MyPlate is a fantastic guide to balanced eating!

Once everyone has reviewed the Vitamins and Minerals poster, move on to this MyPlate poster. MyPlate is a guide to healthful and balanced eating. One of the best ways to communicate the messages of MyPlate is through visual aids like this poster. Have your audience take a good look at this plate. How can they model their own meals after MyPlate? For inspiration, have them check out the bottom of the poster, which includes an illustrated list of healthful options from each food group.

Just the Facts, Ma'am, Just the Facts

The next feature of the Nutrition Month poster curriculum is this guide to reading Nutrition Facts labels in 3 easy steps. The Nutrition Facts poster offers simple strategies for deciphering the messages on the sides of food packages. The Nutrition Facts label can be tricky, but once people know how to find the right information, it can be a crucial tool that they can use in their journey to healthful eating.

Don't make these mistakes!

Of course, deciphering the Nutrition Facts panel is not always easy. That’s why you need the 5 Mistakes of Label Reading poster as well. Help your participants sidestep these shortfalls before they make the same mistakes! The 5 Mistakes of Label Reading poster covers the following errors: ignoring the Nutrition Facts label, eating a full container instead of a single serving size, choosing foods that are too high in sodium, mistaking the terms “sugar-free” or “fat-free” for “calorie-free,” and believing advertisers’ claims instead of looking at the actual nutrition information on the box.

ARE you drinking candy?

Now that you’ve established the “big picture” of eating right, it’s time to start looking at the details. We’re talking about the little things that can either make or break a new approach to healthful eating. Let’s start with sugar. While it’s easier to cut down on sugar by eating fewer cookies and other sweets, many people don’t realize how much sugar they are actually drinking. Use the Are You Drinking Candy? poster to help your clients discover and remember the sugar content of seemingly innocuous drinks. Which are healthful? Which are not?

Fat awareness poster

Once your clients have built up their sugar awareness, it’s time to do the same for fat. The How Much Fat Is In That? poster offers a wonderful way to help people learn about fat content through engaging visuals. Your audience may be surprised to learn that while a large double burger has 50 grams of fat, a chicken ranch salad has almost the same amount, weighing in with a whopping 48 grams of fat. Help people build their fat awareness by putting up this fantastic poster.

Sodium education poster

Let’s take a moment to talk about salt. Lots of Americans eat way more salt than the should. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most people should “Reduce daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) and further reduce intake to 1,500 mg among persons who are 51 and older and those of any age who are African American or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.” But how can your clients avoid the sneaky sodium bombs that are so common in canned, frozen, and restaurant food? Why, with the tools that this poster offers, of course. The Low Sodium Choices poster highlights low-sodium foods from each MyPlate food group, ensuring that your audience will be able to list at least a few options that are good for them and low in salt. It’s a win-win!

With portion sizes skyrocketing, this Portion Control poster is the perfect resource to help put these changes in perspective. With strategies for managing large portions, a guide to eyeballing the proper serving sizes, and an order size calorie chart, this poster imparts the keys of portion control in an engaging and informative way, which makes it the perfect next step in a nutrition education curriculum.

It's fun to make the DASH!

When it comes to healthful diets, the DASH diet can’t be beat. After all, it just topped the list in the ranking of popular diet plans by the U.S. News and World Report. You see, in 2014, for the 4th year in a row, the DASH diet earned the title of “best overall diet.” So teach your clients how to incorporate its principles into their own eating plans with this handy DASH Diet poster. It features healthful foods that are key parts of the DASH diet, and it also lists the recommended servings from various food groups for a look at a typical day on the DASH diet plan.

Who wants a high five?

Of course, no approach to healthful eating would be complete without a discussion of fiber. That’s where the High 5 for Fiber poster comes in. It’s creative, bright, and filled with fiber-rich foods. What better way to increase the appeal of fiber than with beautiful pictures of tasty foods that are rich in fiber and good for your health?

You can do it!

Grains are some of the best sources of fiber out there, but too many people choose low-fiber refined grains over fiber-rich whole grains. Put a stop to that mentality with the adorable Go for the Whole Grains poster, which highlights the health benefits of each element of whole grains while listing easy-to-find and delicious whole grain foods.

Make physical activity a part of your day

The last poster in the nutrition education poster curriculum covers physical activity. Physical activity and good health often go hand in hand, and the Be Active Every Day poster serves as the perfect reminder that exercise is a key part of a healthful lifestyle. When combined with a healthful and nutritious diet, regular physical activity has even more amazing health payoffs. End your series on a high note with this colorful, creative, and engaging poster.

What are you waiting for? Save yourself hours of work and use this easy curriculum. You can get a set of these posters now, or order your favorites a la carte!

Buy the Set: Get the 12 Nutrition Posters Value Set and save $140 (versus buying each poster separately). Did we mention the set includes free standard shipping?

12 Nutrition Posters Value Set

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updated on 07-26-2024