Custom farm to school wall decals brighten and educate school walls


Paula Wucklund, Fuel Up to Play 60 Coach, and physical education teacher, wanted to help her fellow PE teachers and school cafeterias in Arkansas. She wanted to illustrate how the farm to school program brings healthier foods into the schools and to create awareness of MyPlate, physical activity, and healthier eating for the students and the staff.

She contacted us and we designed custom wall decal banners for Arkansas schools. The first goal was to feature the stories and photos of many of the wonderful farmers in Arkansas to show how they work hard to grow crops, raise livestock, and produce dairy foods for students. And she wanted to illustrate MyPlate food groups with their goals and benefits. Finally we included photographs of each of the food groups.

The benefits of the end result is easy to see in the photos above. The 5 food groups were featured on wall decals while the MyPlate floor banner greets the students coming into the cafeteria. The items can be adhered to the walls and they are removable.

The schools will have a choice between vertical or horizontal orientations so that they can determine which works best for their walls.

The Arkansas Farm to School program connects Arkansas farmers to preschools and K-12 schools, so that they can provide fresh produce in school meals. The wall decal posters/banners that we created will help students, teachers, and cafeteria workers realize the importance of agriculture and healthful diets for school meals.

Food and Health Communications designed the banners and provided all of the forms so that Paula could contact the farmers and get their high-quality images and stories to share on the banners. They also provided the expertise for recommending MyPlate food groups and for the colorful food images. And their graphic design gave the banners an Arkansas state icon and brand.

We can create a set of farm to school banners for any school program. Contact us to get help now.


Inexpensive but Meaningful Health Fair Prizes, Rewards, and Giveaways

If you are on a budget and looking for inexpensive prizes, giveways, and rewards for nutrition, health, and wellness classes, check out our new list:

Free infosheet: Inexpensive Wellness Fair or Health Fair Giveaways and Prize list – 40 ideas

You can see all of our prizes here:

Prizes for Health Fairs


Farm to Table Lesson For College Students In 30 Minutes

Michelle Nelson, MHA, is a college educator who wanted to bring a farm to table lesson to students at Charleston Southern University. She purchased our farm to table banner and handout items. She called us to ask us for ideas for making an engaging lesson with a 30 minute time limit.

The first idea we gave her was to offer the students a farm-to-table salad bar so they can make their own salads. This requires the ingredients to be prepared in advance  since the time frame is so short. But we did give Michelle the idea to enlist the help of the students who want to arrive early or her college cafeteria workers to get it all prepped for their arrival. This is the option that she chose but Michelle went all out and prepared the ingredients the night before in her own kitchen. She kept it simple with fresh lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes. She also made a home-made dressing.

Michelle made 2 salad bars for her students.

The first was using ingredients from a farmer’s market and then the second one was using ingredients from a local grocery store. The students could tell the difference right away and they were very exuberant in letting her know that the farmer’s market salad was a lot more delicious and flavorful.

She asked us to skype in for the morning and we agreed. I gave the students a brief overview about the local food market and how many people their age are involved with it from the farming to the food processing and purchases. After all, the local food market is an $8 billion industry.

Margaret M. Shields, PhD, MS, CHES, Assistant Professor of Public Health, Charleston Southern University, was kind enough to help with the skype session and to provide photographs.

Here are more activity ideas and resources that we shared with Michelle so she could share the farm with her students. Feel free to use them for yours!

Here is a handout about local food:
https://news. local-food-lesson/

Maybe a couple of quiz questions with prizes: category-game-cffh/

Here are some other game ideas:

Pass The Potato

Play pass the potato with your participants. Have everybody name a fruit and then pass the potato on. When someone can’t think of a fruit, they get eliminated. The one who wins has named a fruit that has not been named, every time he or she got the potato. The winner gets a prize such as a bag of baby carrots or a jar of fat-free salad dressing. This gets everyone to really think about all of the options out there, and to realize that he or she is usually always eating the same fruit or vegetable time and time again. You can also play the same game for vegetables.

Mystery Veggie Game

Use this game with a variety of audiences, from kids to older folks. It is easy to do, and you can vary it with seasonally available produce.

1. Place a variety of common and unusual vegetables and/or fruits in clean crew-type socks.

2. Pass the socks around the group. Have each participant feel and smell the item through the sock (without taking it out) and write the name of the item they suspect on a sheet of paper, numbered from 1 to whatever number of items you are using.

3. After everyone has had a chance to feel and smell the items in the socks and record their answers, ask for guesses and pull them out one by one. Discuss the nutritional aspects of each item and possible preparation methods or favorite ways of eating. Sample some of the more unusual or exotic items.

4. Depending on budget and type of event, you can sometimes give some of the produce items individually for prizes or put several in a basket for a bigger prize.

This idea can also be used for wellness fairs. And it will make a GREAT fun game for National Nutrition Month this year since the theme is centered around fruits and vegetables.

Here are our favorites for fruits:

  • • star fruit – fun shape
  • • kiwi – beautiful color
  • • avocado – used like a vegetable but botanically it is a fruit
  • • tangerine – easy to eat on the go
  • • lemon – great for salads
  • • apple – great for snacks
  • • pear – easy to guess but makes a great snack

And here are our favorites for vegetables:

  • • sweet potato
  • • broccoli
  • • carrot
  • • zucchini
  • • egg plant

Create an ongoing challenge fruit-and-vegetable-challenge/

And here is a recipe handout: blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/ 08/RawVegetablePlatterHandout. pdf
You can also explain that the farm to table movement was started by a chef and is used by some of the most famous chefs in the world. Here are 2 videos by the chef of Noma which was voted the best in the world last year. They feature local foods from their native Norway. v=a4cJJs5bOfs
About Noma and their chef and the use of local cuisine in Norway

This one is an actual scene from eating at Noma: v=jLpU75kFMNw
NOMA offers a “tasting menu of about 18 different courses and each one is a small bite.

Noma was voted the best restaurant in the world last year by the San Pellegrino Top 50 restaurants in the world and they feature the local Nordic food prepared very fresh in beautiful presentations (we viewed this for my plate presentation class).

Alice Waters of Chez Panisse in Berkeley, CA, started the farm to table movement by purchasing organic produce from local farms near her restaurant and many of the chefs from all over the world today use the concept. They buy local foods and have farms grow their produce. The French Laundry in Yountville CA has its own garden. This was always the premise of the chefs of France.

Here are the benefits of local food: sustainability-and-local-food- talk-by-marion-nestle-and- alice-waters/

9.99 Poster for April

Now that April is here we have a new poster special for you. We invented the monthly poster special for customers who have tight budgets but want to provide a beautiful nutrition and health education lesson for their walls. The price includes shipping and a downloadable PDF handout that is delivered to your inbox after purchase. We enjoy getting the letters thanking us and telling us what the posters are being used for from low income community events to health fairs to classrooms. Keep up the good work with all of your education efforts.

Our monthly $9.99 poster special has been a big hit with all of our subscribers. We always choose from among our best and most popular posters so you get a truly beautiful poster for your wall.

So, without further ado, here is the April $9.99 poster, I Heart Fruits and Vegetables. It takes all of our favorite fruit and vegetable photos and puts them in the shape of a heart. It is simple and it illustrates that there is a lot to love about fruits and vegetables plus they are good for your heart.


Cooking Demo Kitchen Startup Plan

We just received a question from a reader about how to start a cooking demonstration program.

Which cooking equipment do you recommend for doing cooking demos?

Our best advice? KISS – Keep it short and simple. For 2 reasons:

1) You need to use what consumers are using in their own kitchens so they walk away with an ‘I can do this’ attitude. While a copper gas stove is entertaining on the Food Network, a simple kitchen setup is better for consumers who want to learn to cook healthy. Use equipment they already have and what you are used to using yourself!

2) Simple is just better for speaking and working in front of a live audience in a demo kitchen atmosphere.

Two pieces are in our ‘must-have’ category:

Stove top burner – can be portable and powered by electricity or propane/butane (make sure you have adequate ventilation for gas

Microwave – this is a must for us and we have done demos using just a microwave – you can cook anything in it – even pasta in boiling water if you must – we have even baked a cake in one! And we actually prefer to have 2 microwaves in a demo kitchen (and even our own kitchen) so you can keep moving and keep the audience interested.

But most important is that it is easy to cook vegetables and even fruits in a microwave!

Vegetables cook fast and with little water in a microwave so they retain better color, texture and nutrients. There is less mess when using a microwave for steaming and you can often cook, serve and store the items in the same glass dish.

Of course a real range with a stove and oven is even better.

There are three more pieces of cooking equipment that are important for teaching healthier cooking, in our opinion:

  • crockpot – because you can demo beans and soups – those cook without attendance time and make it easy for today’s time-pressed consumer to prepare these items on a regular basis
  • pressure cooker or instant-pot because it cooks many things in 10 minutes or less including soups, potatoes, vegetables, grains, protein, and some legumes (many legumes cook in 20 minutes or less with no soaking needed!
  • a rice cooker – we find this item makes cooking brown rice so easy that people are inclined to do them over and over and over. And you can cook other whole grains in it. The best part about a rice cooker is that it cooks rice and other grains perfectly and you don’t have to stand over a stove stirring. You set it and forget it.

Finally, here are a few more things you shouldn’t forget:

  • New cutting boards and wet paper towels to stick them to the table – we prefer white plastic cutting boards or bendable boards that can go in the dishwasher when done
  • Sharp knives
  • Containers, cups and bags to put pre-measured ingredients – no one wants to watch you measure everything – have it ready to go
  • Multiple cooking utensils, measuring cups and spoons (have enough so you don’t have to wash anything while doing your demo)
  • Rubber scrapers
  • Peelers
  • Can openers
  • Platters for display
  • Cups/plates/napkins/utensils for taste samples

And our ‘nice-to-have’ equipment list for really wonderful meals and finishing touches:

  • toaster oven – to roast asparagus, nuts, whole grain bread, oven fried potatoes, tomatoes (great for a kitchen that doesn’t have an oven)
  • food processor – for salsa, roasted marinara sauce
  • mixer – if you are going to be baking or making mashed potatoes
  • hand held immersion blender – wonderful for creamy vegetable soups

Where would we go to buy equipment and small wares?

Walmart or other discount stores, department store sales, Amazon or a local restaurant supply store. We have picked up very nice items on Amazon and enjoy reading everyone’s reviews.

How can you set up a small room for client cooking education:

Consider a portable “island” cart that has wheels, a counter top, and drawers and cabinets. You can use it for storage when not teaching classes. And it can be pushed out to become the demo table for class time. Just make sure you lock the wheels so it stays put while cooking. If you are teaching an interactive class be sure to have a few work stations and to split your group into teams of 2 to 4 so they can each make a recipe. It is always good to give each group a different recipe because they will learn everything by doing it and observing others.


2018 Spring and Summer Catalog is Here

It is here! The 2018 spring and summer catalog from the Nutrition Education Store is being mailed to all existing customers now. But you don’t have to wait for the mailman, you can download your copy here.

Features of the 2018 Spring and Summer Nutrition Education Store Catalog:

  • Over 50 new products with timely and hot topics like fiber, microbiome, losing 10% of weight for big health benefits, and the math of movement.
  • There are also beautiful posters of fruits and vegetables that are locally produced. Local foods are a rising trend and worth over $8 billion a year.
  • PLUS there is a downloadable handout in the digital catalog!
  • And there is a coupon code for 10% off and free standard shipping (48 states).

Topics are selected based on the research from peer-reviewed journals, customer requests, health professional advisors, the USDA MyPlate news, the Dietary Guidelines and from the newsletters produced on our sister site, who publishes a monthly newsletter and white label nutrition newsletter for health professionals each month. features the work of dietitian writers who provide research updates and practical insights each month from working with their clients. This think tank is an essential resource for the Nutrition Education Store because it is always up to date on all peer-reviewed research, new recommendations from public health authorities, and feedback from the author’s clients.

Here are a few notes from our product development team:

  • This year we are seeing a lot of research on the microbiome which makes fiber a hot and fun topic. We created a poster called gut health and then made another one that is an infographic called the Math of Fiber.
  • We had one doctor comment on the new American Heart Guidelines to say he is having success with recommending a constant 10% weight loss for his obese patients and there is new research that shows the health benefits (journal citation is on the poster) for losing just 10 percent of your body weight
  • There is new research which shows that standing and reducing sitting is just as important for getting enough exercise and can add quality years to your life.
  • Finally we have reported that local foods from local farms is gaining popularity and we are featuring a lot of materials that show their beauty. Food, especially fresh produce in season, is the art subject on our posters. One person exclaimed that the peaches remind him of his youth when he would pick and eat juicy ones from a family tree.

And we have a whole selection of MyPlate plates, too. PLUS there are tons of new wall and floor decals. And prizes.

In a hurry? Contact us and we will help you find what you need or prepare a quote.

OH and our famous Nutrition Education Store catalog also features a free handout, MyFood Diary so you can help people log their daily food intake and get to a more healthful eating pattern.

To see all of the new products from the catalog now, click New at the top of our site.

9.99 poster for March

Our 9.99 monthly poster special is very popular with our readers. It allows us to provide a beautiful poster to our community members who have big desires to educate but low budgets to do it. We love helping everyone.

This month’s poster is dedicated to nutrition month. There is no better poster to illustrate the meaning of nutrition than our nutrition word poster:

So for the month of March this poster will be just 9.99 in our store.


Reader Requests MyPlate Window Clings And Here Is Our Design

We always love when a reader requests a special material. It is fun to get new ideas and to design them from start to finish.

One such project is a cling for a glass refrigerator door in a store. The idea is to show people how to make a healthy plate using a plate and the photos from each food group.

Erika wrote to us and asked for these clear background clings that will adhere to the outside of a glass door. They are 12″ by 12″ square and filled with the foods of each section. The food group colors are used along with ample amounts of white for a fresh clean look. We have them in the store here and can make them in any size upon request.

9.99 Poster February Nugget

A long time ago we used to have a Friday special on posters for $10 so that our lower-income clients can afford to decorate their walls with motivational messages. We are adding that back now for a limited time due to special request.

This is one of our favorites posters because it shows a very positive aspect of eating fruits and vegetables: you get a lot of color, flavor, freshness, and variety.

Instead of offering this poster deal for one Friday we will offer it for the whole month of February – just in time for Nutrition Month’s message to go farther with food. Take advantage of this offer now and get everyone you teach to a great start for 2018 now!

Color Your World With Food

Learning Objectives and Benefits:

  • Healthy food poster with vibrant illustrations
  • Large 18 X 24 poster is attractive and engaging with many fruits and veggies.
  • It has a matching PowerPoint Show game to guess all of the fruits and vegetables and win points!
  • Brighten up your classroom, hallway, cafeteria, etc. with this beautiful display of fruits and vegetables.
  • Encourages clients to eat healthy foods in color.
  • Great conversation starter.
  • Savvy piece of food art for your office, classroom or cafeteria.
  • It also makes a great classroom poster plus it can be used as a school cafeteria poster.

Target population: In English, for general audiences, ages 12 – 100

This poster comes with a free handout download PDF shown in the images above. There are also many matching banners and prizes.

Happy 2018!







Plant Based Glossary

The Food Navigator has a great list of food trends for 2018. One thing is for sure. There are more choices for plant-based milks, dairy products,  and meat alternatives than ever before in the store. This trend is predicted to continue. Sales of plant-based foods are estimated to be around $3.1 billion dollars.

“Plant Based” is a great educational message for the new year, too.

Plant-based is just a new way to present most of the lessons from the US Dietary Guidelines. After all, MyPlate is 3/4 plants with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And legumes are listed as both a vegetable and a protein.

Here is a handy glossary:

  • Plant based – A diet higher in plantbased foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in calories and animal-based foods is more health promoting according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
  • Whole foods – foods that are nearly in their original, whole state and have little processing; specifically they are not primarily filled with added sugar or fat or refined flour. For example, whole wheat cream of wheat is more whole than corn flakes or fruit charms. Whole wheat bread is more whole than muffins. Potatoes are more whole than potato chips. Apples are more whole than apple pop tarts. Whole foods have more fiber, fewer calories, less salt, sugar, and fat. So you get more nutrients and fiber, and fewer calories or fewer grams of artery-clogging fat or blood pressure-rising sodium. Unfortunately the trade off is that you get less convenience. But planning ahead and cooking at home and planning leftovers is a simple workaround that is better for your pocketbook and your health.
  • Non-dairy milk – a “milk-like beverage” made from a plant-based ingredient(s). Examples include almond milk, flax milk, and soy milk. There are also many others in this category with the newest being from peas (Rippl). The advantage to this type of milk is that it is not regulated by the FDA the same way dairy milk is and thus it can contain many beneficial additives such as more calcium or omega-3 fatty acids. You should still read the label to make sure that it is not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, or sugar. Coconut milk often contains a lot of saturated fat and flavored milk may contain a lot of sugar. Some of these milks do not contain any calcium so that is another item to check, too. Regular milk always contains about 30% of the daily value for calcium so try to stay close to that amount since dairy products are usually the most significant source of calcium in the modern diet. The benefits of this plant-based milk are that it is plant based, sweetly flavored, thicker than skim milk, and easier on the digestive system for most people. It is also an option for people who choose to be vegan or vegetarian.
  • Dietary Guidelines – a set of guidelines mandated by US law that provides an academic committee to review the most recent nutrition research and provide guidelines to Americans and their health care providers every five years.
  • MyPlate – the icon for a balanced diet from the USDA. It is based on the dietary guidelines and helps people balance their meals by providing a plate graphic with 5 proportional food group sections that include dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • Vegan – a person who does not consume any animal products or foods that contain them and who does not use any products that are the byproducts of animal slaughter
  • Vegetarian – a person who chooses not to eat any meat but who may or may not consume eggs or dairy
  • Flexitarian or semi-vegetarian – a person who is vegetarian but who might eat fish or poultry on occasion
  • Grains – the seeds of grasses that are produced for food; examples include oats, wheat, rice, barley, quinoa, teff, amaranth, and many more
  • Vegetables – The parts of herbaceous plants eaten as food by humans, whole or in part, are generally considered vegetables. This includes leaves, seeds, bulbs, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits.
  • Fruits – in botany, fruits are the seed-bearing structures of plants. In the culinary world they tend to be the sweet ones like oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, kiwis, melons, berries, peaches, pears, and more. The more savory fruits like tomatoes and avocados are used as vegetables in a kitchen.
  • Beans – seeds from a legume pod also called dried beans, legumes, or pulses are from flowering plants in the Leguminosae family. This includes the soybean, chickpea, bean, and pea, among others (Morris 365). Other lesser known members of the legume family include clover, licorice, lentils, and the peanut.
  • Aquafaba – the cooking liquid of beans and other legumes like chickpeas, which can be used to replace egg whites since it can be whipped. It is a mix of protein, starches, and other substances which leach into the water during the cooking process. FMI see
  • Organic – food that is free of certain pesticides and fertilizers; using organic processes for sustainable farming.
  • Local – food that is grown and sold locally; retains biodiversity of food and diversity of local land plus keeps money in local economy
  • Conventional – food that is grown without organic certification
  • Meatless – meals made without meat, poultry, or fish
  • Meatless Monday – a tradition among vegetarians where Mondays feature meatless meals
  • Meat as flavoring component or garnish – a topic and general tenet of plant-based diets where meat becomes a flavoring agent or garnish instead of being the main entree on the plate.