Fun With Fruit & Veggie Masks

Get your clients or students interested in healthy fruits and vegetables with our new Vegetable Masks and Fruit Masks. These masks, and our combo Fruit and Vegetable Masks, are a fun way to encourage people of all ages to fill half of their plate with fruits and veggies!

Here are some ideas for using these unique eye masks with various age groups and settings:

  • Classroom parties: Celebrate holidays in the classroom by asking parents to send in healthy fruits and veggies. Use the fruit or vegetable masks as party favors, or let students wear the masks during the party.
  • Healthy birthday reward: Encourage students to bring a fruit or veggie snack for their birthday, instead of cookies or cupcakes. When they do, use the fruit or vegetable mask as a reward or birthday crown.
  • MyPlate teaching aid: Students break into groups according to which mask they get – fruit, veggie, or both. Within each group, students (alone or in pairs) are assigned to research a fruit or vegetable that appears on their mask.
  • Name that fruit or vegetable: Break into groups as described above. Each group must correctly identify every fruit or vegetable on their mask. The group that does this fastest wins a prize.
  • Fruit and veggie ice breaker: Use the masks to start meetings and group classes on a fun note!

By Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD

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updated on 07-27-2024