9.99 Poster for September

Since September is traditionally a “back to school” month, we are bringing you two dynamic educational posters for our 9.99 poster special for September. 

The Exercise Poster really shows the value of movement and exercise for maintaining a healthy weigh. It explains the differences in calories burned when you move more. For example, if you are just sitting and watching TV you burn only half as many calories as you do when you are performing light chores around the house or walking. 

The second poster, Feel Full on Fewer Calories, shows the value of choose high-fiber, nutrient-dense foods as opposed to the ones that are calorie dense and devoid of fiber and nutrients. It uses a handy stop light to show the “go” foods that are high in fiber and other nutrients while also being low in calories. Vegetables, fruits, skim milk, cooked whole grains, lean protein, and beans are on this list. 

The 9.99 poster special is popular with our budget minded customers who want to decorate their walls with colorful and educational posters. These two posters are only available for the month of September. 

Check out our new posters here:


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updated on 07-27-2024