You Want to do What with that Turkey?

Happy Thanksgiving!Nutrition, food safety, and cooking educators are always singing the same song before Thanksgiving. We talk about how to keep that large bird safe, standing on our soap boxes with research-based information about how people can get a foodborne illness from some common practices. But does anyone listen?

Common responses include “this is how I’ve always done it” and “no one’s died, yet.” Facing that kind of attitude, it’s hard to encourage change.

So, I’ve decided to turn the tables. Here’s a fun quiz that addresses some of the common mistakes people make when cooking a large meal at home. Perhaps if you make people laugh at their mistakes, then give them some practical answers about why they should respect food safety rules, they might change their attitude and practices.

Believe it or not, these are questions and responses from real people that I’ve heard over the many years I’ve been teaching food safety. I couldn’t make this stuff up!

Pick the best answer to each question.

1. The turkey in your freezer has been there since last Thanksgiving. What should you do with it?

a. Throw it out!
b. Feed it to your in-laws.
c. Go ahead and use it on Thanksgiving.
d. Leave it in there and buy another one for Thanksgiving.

2. Your turkey is frozen solid. How do you thaw it?

a. Put it in the dryer with lots of towels.
b. Run it through a cycle in the dishwasher.
c. Put in a cooler in the garage.
d. Find a spot in the refrigerator.

3. It’s the day before Thanksgiving and your turkey is still frozen. What can you do?

a. Cancel the holiday dinner.
b. Let the turkey sit in the laundry tub overnight.
c. Cook the frozen turkey.
d. Put the turkey under running water for 10 hours.

4. Your family loves stuffing/dressing that’s baked inside the turkey. You know that isn’t recommended, but you’re going to do it anyway. What’s the best way to proceed?

a. Mix and prepare the stuffing just before you put into the turkey. Stuff it lightly just before it goes into the oven and use a thermometer to make sure it reaches 165 degrees before serving.
b. Since they like it so much, put as much stuffing into the turkey as you can fit, just before you put it in the oven. You might need to lace it closed with twine to hold all that stuffing inside.
c. Stuff the turkey the night before and have it ready to go into the oven in the morning.
d. Get the stuffing ready to go the day before and stuff the turkey in the morning, this will help you get it in the oven quickly.

5. The turkey’s been in the oven for several hours. How do you know if it’s done?

a. The pop-up thermometer has popped. It’s done.
b. A thermometer reads at least 165 degrees F in several spots on the bird.
c. You calculated the time vs. pounds on the instructions, that time has come and gone and it’s brown all over. It’s done.
d. The juices are running clear and the drumstick wiggles.


  1. C. A turkey that has been kept solidly frozen for an entire year will be safe to eat. The quality may be lower than a turkey kept in the freezer for a shorter time. One suggestion is to prepare it for a family meal before Thanksgiving. This will give you a recent turkey-cooking experience, so cooking on the big day won’t be so intimidating. Actually, answers B and D could also be correct, since there would be no reason not to invite your in-laws to your practice dinner or the holiday. You really could save the older turkey for after the holiday, but the longer it sits in the freezer, the lower the quality will be.
  2. D. Thawing the turkey in the refrigerator is the safest method. It takes one day for each four to five pounds of turkey to thaw. The other answers don’t keep the outside of the bird cold enough while the inside is still frozen. Also, it’s really best to use home appliances for their originally-designated purposes. Some of those ideas are just yucky!
  3. C. Turkeys can be cooked directly from the freezer; the cooking time may be as much as 50% more than a thawed turkey. There also won’t be an opportunity to stuff it. Instead, you could bake your stuffing in a casserole dish. Now what about those giblets in the bag? Check the turkey throughout the cooking process, and when it has defrosted enough, you can carefully remove the giblet bags with tongs. You could also thaw a turkey by submerging it in cold tap water. The water should be changed every 30 minutes, and this method will take 10-12 hours for a 20-pound turkey. It also requites lots of water. The turkey should be cooked immediately after thawing. Oh, and if you purchased a pre-stuffed turkey, then it should always be cooked directly from its frozen state.
  4. A. The ingredients can be prepared the day before, but keep the wet and dry ingredients separate. Make sure that the wet ingredients (chopped vegetables, broth, and cooked meats) are safely stored in the refrigerator. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together just before filling the turkey cavity, and even then, only fill it loosely. Cook the turkey immediately after stuffing it. Use a food thermometer to make sure the center of the stuffing reaches a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F.
  5. B. The only way that you can be absolutely sure that the turkey is done is to use a thermometer. The minimum temperature to which a turkey should be cooked is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the internal temperature at several locations, including the thigh and the thickest part of the breast. Pop-up timers may pop too early because of fat pooling at the tip, so always use another thermometer to double check. The National Turkey Federation recommends cooking turkey to a higher temperature than the minimum. While 165 degrees F is the minimum safe temperature, they say that people like the quality more (and it will be easier to carve and slice) if it’s cooked to a higher temperature. They frequently suggest 180 degrees F instead.

I hope you and your clients have as much fun with this quiz as I had writing it. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University

Here’s a free PDF handout of the quiz, just for you!

Thanksgiving Quiz

There are lots of other holiday resources in the Nutrition Education Store! Which ones will make your life easier?

Holiday Health Challenge Toolkit

Holiday MyPlate Poster

Holiday Train Game

Summer Food Safety Quiz

Summer just seems to scream “let’s eat outdoors!” It’s important to remember that these opportunities for picnics, patio dining, and special summer foods also bring different problems and situations into the food safety picture. Here’s a quick quiz that can be used as a refresher for food safety in the summer.

Summer Food Safety QuizAre the following questions true or false?

  1. The safest homemade ice cream is made with a cooked custard.
  2. It’s safe to eat hot dogs that have been stored unopened in the refrigerator for up to ten days.
  3. Because it’s in a picnic cooler, it’s safe to leave food on the picnic table in a sunny location for over five hours.
  4. This is a great time to marinate meat for the barbeque. Since most of these marinades contain acids, which slows bacteria growth, it’s OK to allow the meat and marinade to “steep” at room temperature like the recipe indicates.
  5. Since it’s already been cooked, it’s OK to leave fried chicken set out all afternoon at the family reunion picnic.

Are you ready for the answers? Here they are!

1. TRUE. If you’re making homemade ice cream, look for a recipe that uses cooked custard. If you must use a recipe that calls for uncooked eggs, get pasteurized eggs or egg whites. Why? Well, there can be salmonella bacteria in raw, uncooked eggs and just because a food has been kept cold or frozen doesn’t eliminate the risk.
2. TRUE. Check the expiration date on those hot dogs. Hot dogs should be used or frozen within three days of the sell-by or use-by date on the package. An unopened package of hot dogs can stay safely in your refrigerator until the expiration date (or two weeks if there is no date). An opened bag of hot dogs should be eaten within a week of opening. Never eat hot dogs that have a cloudy liquid in the bag.
3. FALSE. The “two hour rule” changes to the “one hour rule” when temperatures creep up above 90 degrees F. This means that you should not allow food to sit out at room temperature for longer than one hour. Hot temperatures are just right for allowing the bacteria in food to multiply to numbers that could make people sick. When everyone is done eating, get that food quickly into coolers or a refrigerator.  When storing food in coolers, use lots of ice. It’s hard to keep the temperature of food in coolers below 40 degrees. Five hours may be too long to ensure that food is safe. In that case, don’t eat or save those leftovers! It may seem a waste to throw out half a bowl of potato salad or sliced fruit, but there may be several problems with it in addition to the uncertain temperatures (i.e. bugs, lots of people around — did they double dip?). Unless you are absolutely sure of the safety of the food, pitch any leftovers.
4. FALSE. Marinate your meats in the refrigerator. Yes, most recipes for marinades contain an acid. This may slow but does not stop bacteria growth. Just because the recipe says to allow it to “steep” at room temperature doesn’t mean that it’s safe. Remember, not every celebrity chef or recipe developer has had a food safety or food science class.
5. FALSE. Remember that “one hour rule” for large buckets of fried chicken or plates of burgers and hot dogs. Just because a food item has been cooked does not make it immune to bacteria growth.

While the living can be easy in the summer months, food safety takes a little more effort and planning.

By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University

There are lots of other amazing summer resources in the Nutrition Education Store! We’re here to help you look your very best, right now!

PowerPoint: Healthy Vacation How-Tos

Food Safety Poster

Fruit Trivia

It’s National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! Let’s celebrate with a brand-new post from Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University!

Mango!No one can argue with the fact that most people should eat more fruits and vegetables. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans stress the wisdom of moving to a more plant-based diet, and MyPlate encourages us to fill half our plates with fruits and vegetables at each meal. If you’re counting fruit servings, men and women should eat at least 2 cups of fruit every day and children ages between the ages of 9 and 13 should get at least 1 ½ cups.

How many more times can we say this? Are there other ways to teach about fruits and vegetables that might encourage folks to add them to their diet?

I think there are tons of fun ways to encourage healthful eating, so here’s a quick fruit quiz. It’s a great icebreaker, and it features some exciting and controversial fruits. In addition, the quiz answers provide fun facts and trivia about fruit, which in turn can add to a lesson. What a great way to introduce people to new fruits while reminding them of the health benefits of a balanced diet! To further expand on the quiz, offering some of these fruits as show-and-tell pieces or as samples can also be fun.

Anyway, on to the quiz!

Fruit Quiz

  1. What are peaches with smooth and shiny skin called?
    a) Naked peaches
    b) Nectarines
    c) White peaches
    d) Plums
  2. What is the most-consumed fruit in the world?
    a) Bananas
    b) Apples
    c) Mangoes
    d) Tomatoes
  3. What are the small edible pieces of the pomegranate called?
    a) Fruit
    b) Arils
    c) Cheeks
    d) Pips
  4. When cutting a fresh mango, what are the two large pieces of flesh on either side of the seed called?
    a) Cheeks
    b) Pips
    c) Arils
    d) Nothing special
  5. Which fruit contains heart-healthy fats?
    a) Coconut
    b) Avocado
    c) Olives
    d) All of the above

Fruit Quiz Answers:

Nectarines are a subspecies of peach. They don’t have the gene for fuzz, which is why their skins are smooth. Nectarines are usually slightly smaller than peaches, and, like peaches, there are both freestone and clingstone varieties of nectarine. Nectarines tend to be more delicate than peaches, and they bruise even more easily. Look for fruit with lots of yellow and no green. Avoid buying nectarines that are extremely hard. That said, unripened nectarines can be ripened in a paper bag at room temperature. Nectarines make great snacks — they’re low in fat, have no sodium, and are good sources of vitamin C.

Can you believe it? It turns out that 3 mangoes are consumed for every banana, worldwide. And there are 10 mangoes consumed for every single apple across the globe as well. Mangoes are widely consumed in India, South Asia, China, and Latin America, while we Americans still consider them an “exotic” fruit. By the way, speaking botanically, tomatoes are fruit as well.

Arils are the fleshy appendage that covers the seeds of a pomegranate. They’re a kind of seed sac. Each pomegranate contains about of 600-800 of these arils. That’s about ¾ of a cup of fruit. The crunchy seeds and this surrounding juicy sac are the choice edible parts of the pomegranate. Nutritionally, pomegranates are considered a superfood because they are a concentrated source of antioxidants and phytochemicals. Just 1/2 of a medium pomegranate gives you 130 calories, 6 grams of fiber and 25% of your daily value for vitamin C. They also have some B vitamins and potassium.

To get to the cheeks, slice the mango from the stem end, carefully cutting close to (but not into) the large pit. The large piece that you cut off is called the cheek, and there are 2 on each mango. When selecting mangoes, choose ones that are firm, with no wrinkles, and avoid mangoes that have sap or stickiness on their skins. The color of a mango is not important because it is not an indicator of ripeness. A ripe mango will give will give slightly to the touch. It has a “feel” similar to that of a ripe peach. Until they’re ripe, mangoes can be stored at room temperature but out of direct sunlight. Once cut, they should be refrigerated. Mangoes are low in fat and high in vitamin A. They’re also sodium-free and a good source of vitamin C.

No, this isn’t a trick question. Speaking botanically, all three of those foods — avocados, olives, and coconuts — are considered fruits. Most fruits contain low levels of fat, but these three do contain higher amounts than many other fruits. The majority of the fat in avocados and olives is unsaturated, either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. These are considered more healthful forms of fat and a more healthful choice than saturated fats from animal products. Unsaturated fats help to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (LDL, aka “bad” cholesterol) and increase healthful high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Avocados are loaded with nutrients like dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and folate. They’re also cholesterol- and sodium-free. Two tablespoons of mashed avocado contain about 55 calories. Coconuts (both the coconut meat and the coconut oil) contain saturated fat, overconsumption of which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, the fat in coconut is now considered a medium-chain saturated fatty acid. Newer research is showing that these medium-chain fatty acids may not increase cholesterol levels as once thought. Instead, they may actually have a positive effect.

A few words of caution: olives contain a high amount of sodium, so should be used in moderation. Being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, so higher fat fruits (even those with “good fats”) should also be eaten in moderation.

Here’s a free handout with the fruit quiz. Get your copy today!

Fruit Quiz

And, as always, there’s more in the store! Remember, we’re here to help you look your very best, right now.

Fruit Bulletin Board

Fruit and Vegetable Challenge: Wellness Program

Poster: Fruit Photos

Sweet Potato Quiz

They’re orange and you eat them with lots of marshmallows at Thanksgiving.

What else do you know about one of the worlds most nutritious vegetables? Take this sweet potato quiz to find out.

Sweet Potato DishTrue or False?

  1. A sweet potato can be eaten raw.
  2. A sweet potato and a yam are the same thing.
  3. Sweet potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Sweet potatoes are more nutritious than white potatoes.
  5. Sweet potatoes have four times the recommended daily intake for beta-carotene.
  6. Sweet potatoes have more vitamin C than an orange.
  7. Sweet potatoes are high in calories.
  8. Sweet potatoes are just a different kind of white potato.
  9. Sweet potato flesh is always yellow or orange.
  10. Sweet potatoes can only be eaten for dinner.

Answers and Fun Facts:

1. TRUE. While it is a non-traditional way to eat this vegetable, sweet potatoes can be eaten raw. Cut them into strips and eat them like carrot sticks or grate a sweet potato into slaws or salads. To avoid browning, rinse the cut sweet potatoes in cold water before serving.

2. FALSE. If you are being botanically correct, the sweet, moist, orange-colored vegetable that is often thought of as a yam is the United States is actually a sweet potato. A true yam is a starchy edible tuber that is imported from Africa and the Caribbean. It is completely different in taste and texture from a sweet potato. Did you know that the USDA requires that those orange-colored sweet potatoes (that most folks think are yams) be labeled sweet potatoes?

3. TRUE. Avoid storing sweet potatoes in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures will produce a hard center and a bitter unpleasant taste. The best storage for sweet potatoes is in a cool, dry, well-ventilated container. No, a plastic bag is not a good storage option. For long-term storage, keep sweet potatoes at 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit. If a sweet potato is kept at above 60 degrees, then it will begin to shrink and sprout. Once you’ve cut or cooked your sweet potatoes, then they should be refrigerated.

4. TRUE. While sweet potatoes and white potatoes are similar in terms of carbohydrates, sweet potatoes are higher in fiber and vitamin A than regular potatoes are. Sweet potatoes also beat the white potato in vitamin C and potassium levels. Overall sweet potatoes are the nutritional winner.

5. TRUE. Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene, which is the precursor to vitamin A. Sweet potatoes have more beta-carotene than carrots! If you eat your sweet potato with just a little fat, like a bit of butter, then you will maximize your body’s absorption of this fat-soluble vitamin.

6. FALSE. While a medium sweet potato is a good source of vitamin C (with 30% of the recommended daily value), one orange doubles that with 80% of your daily value of vitamin C. If you want to go over the top with vitamin C, then whirl cooked mashed sweet potato, orange juice, vanilla yogurt, and a little vanilla extract in the blender for a sweet potato smoothie.

7. FALSE. A medium sweet potato (2 inches by 5 inches) contains only about 100 calories. It’s frequently the brown sugar and marshmallows added to sweet potatoes that bring that calorie count up. Looking for lower calorie flavors that go well with sweet potatoes? Try orange, pineapple, apple, cinnamon, and nutmeg. There are some great recipe ideas over in the Food and Health recipe archives.

8. FALSE. Sweet potatoes are edible roots and white potatoes are tubers. Sweet potatoes are a member of the morning glory family and their flowers look very similar. Sweet potatoes are native to the United States.

9. FALSE. Depending upon the variety, sweet potatoes can be orange, yellow, red, white, or even purple.

10. FALSE. Why get stuck in a sweet potato rut? Use cooked mashed sweet potatoes in pancakes or in place of mashed pumpkin in muffins, pies, or breads.

By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University

Here’s a PDF of the sweet potato quiz, with all that great information in one free handout! Get your copy today!

Sweet Potato Quiz

Looking for more ways to make nutrition education fun? Try these resources!

12 Lessons Wellness Weight Loss

12 Lessons Wellness Weight Loss

Fruit and Vegetable Poster Set

MyPlate Bingo Game

Fruit and Vegetable Wellness Challenge Kit

To Thump or Not to Thump: A Watermelon Quiz

Try this fun quiz from Cheryle Jones Syracuse to celebrate watermelons while promoting good health…

National Watermelon Day is August 3rdI often wonder when I see people at the grocery store thumping on watermelons. Do they really know what they are listening for?

There’s an old saying about thumping a watermelon:

A good watermelon should sound hollow… like if you thumped your chest.
If it sounds like you’re hitting your head… it’s not ripe.
If it sounds like thumping on your stomach… it’s definitely too ripe.

Now I’ve given this saying some thought, and I’m not sure that I could judge any of those sounds. There has to be a better way to evaluate these fruits. I did some research, consulted with some colleagues, and have returned with a fun quiz that offers insight into how to select, store, and prepare watermelon. Of course, I’ve also included information about a watermelon’s nutrient content and health benefits. What better way to celebrate National Watermelon Day?

The quiz is available in the text of this blog, and an abridged version is also available as a downloadable handout! So check out the options below and, if you like what you see, get the handout for free!

See the yellow “belly” on that watermelon?

Watermelon Quiz:

How much do you know about watermelon? Take this quiz and find out!

  1. True or False? Uncut whole watermelon should be refrigerated.
  2. True or False? Since you’re not eating the rind, you don’t need to wash the outside of a watermelon before cutting into it.
  3. True or False? The red pigment in watermelon is a good source of the phytochemical lycopene.
  4. True or False? The “belly” of a ripe watermelon should be yellow.
  5. True or False? Like the name implies, watermelon is made of mostly water.
  6. True or False? Watermelon does not really have any nutritional value.
  7. True or False? Watermelon is a good source of potassium and sodium.
  8. True or False? The rind of a watermelon should not be eaten.
  9. True or False? It’s okay to swallow watermelon seeds.
  10. True or False? The “hollow” heart sometimes found inside a watermelon is caused by someone dropping the melon.
  11. True or False? Watermelon is a cousin to cucumbers and squash.
  12. True or False? A good way to tell if a watermelon is ripe is by giving it a good thump.

_FHC5141-3Answer Key:

  1. FALSE: Uncut whole watermelon can be kept in a cool, dry place and does not need to be refrigerated. Stored this way, a watermelon will keep for 7-10 days at room temperature. Once cut, leftover watermelon should be covered and refrigerated. Be cautious of purchasing cut melons at farmer’s markets if they have not been kept cool after cutting. Use cut watermelon within 5 days.
  2. FALSE: The outside rind of the watermelon should be washed before you cut into it. Bacteria found on the outside may easily be transferred to the interior during cutting. Before slicing up your watermelon, be sure to wash your hands and wash the melon under cold running water. You may need to use a clean brush to help scrub off excess dirt.
  3. TRUE: There may be up to 20 mg of lycopene in a two-cup serving of watermelon. Studies have shown that people with diets high in lycopene have a reduced risk of prostate, breast, and oral cancer. The redder the melon is, the more lycopene it contains.
  4. TRUE: A yellowish spot on the underside or “belly” of a watermelon indicates that it is ripe. This spot should not be white or green — if it is, then it means that the watermelon is underripe.
  5. TRUE: A watermelon is 92% water, which makes it light in calories and a good tool for proper hydration. A two-cup serving of watermelon contains only 80 calories and counts for two servings of fruit.
  6. FALSE: Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. A 2-cup serving provides 25% of your needed daily Vitamin C and 30% of the needed Vitamin A. It’s also a good source of vitamin B6 and contains 1 gram of fiber and 20 grams of natural sugar.
  7. FALSE: Although watermelon is a good source of potassium, it is low in sodium, with zero fat and zero cholesterol.
  8. FALSE: Watermelon rind is edible and can even be delicious. There are a variety of recipes available for items made with watermelon rind. Try using it in everything from slaw to chutney to pickles.
  9. TRUE: Despite what you may have heard when you were growing up, watermelon seeds will not grow in your stomach. It will not harm you to swallow watermelon seeds. Some people even save them, dry them, and eat them as a snack. The small white seed coats that are often found in “seedless” watermelons are seeds that have not matured. These “seeds” are sterile and, if planted, will not produce a watermelon.
  10. FALSE: The “broken heart,” “hollow heart,” or cracked center that is sometimes found inside a watermelon is caused by weather conditions during the growing season. This flesh is still good and safe to eat. Some folks say watermelon with a these internal cracks are sweeter due to concentration of the sugars.
  11. TRUE: Watermelon are a vine crop and must have honeybees pollinate the blossoms. Watermelon is in the same botanical family as cucumber, pumpkins, and squash. Seedless watermelons are created by crossing different kinds of melons and are not genetically modified. There are many varieties of watermelons available and options include: seeded, seedless, mini, yellow, and orange.
  12. FALSE: Unless you are a very experienced watermelon picker, it is difficult to tell if a watermelon is ripe solely by evaluating the sound you make when thumping on it. A good watermelon should be symmetrical, heavy for its size, and firm. It should have no cuts, dents, or bruises. Also, look for a pale or buttery yellow “belly” and a dry stem end near the base of the fruit.

By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

Want to send this quiz to your clients? You can download it here!

Watermelon Handout

Check out other nutrition education resources too!

Fruit Bulletin Board Kit

I Heart Fruit and Veggies Poster

Watermelon “Cake” Recipe Card

Weight Loss Pre Post Test

Weight Loss Pre/Post Test

  1. A healthy weight can help reduce the risk of developing or help control:
    a.  heart disease
    b. type 2 diabetes
    c. breathing problems
    d. some types of cancer
    e. all of the above
    f. I don’t know

2. BMI is a measure of weight in relationship to height, and stands for:
a. Biological Metric Integration
b. Basal Metabolic Index
c. Body Mass Index
d. I don’t know

3. You should be evaluated by your physician before starting a weight loss program if:
a. you have any health problems
b. you take any medication
c. you want to lose more than 15-20 pounds
e. you plan to follow a liquid diet that replaces all food for at least 1 month
f. all the above
g. I don’t know

4. A healthy weight loss plan:
a. recommends eating <1000 calories per day
b. contains a list of foods that you should never eat
c. promises quick results
d. incorporates gradual changes in food choices that last for a lifetime
e. I don’t know

5. The most effective weight loss plans:
a. recommend both increased physical activity and changes in food choices
b. focus only on changing food habits
c. require 2-3 hours of exercise each day
d. use supplements to promote weight loss
e. I don’t know

6. The most effective meal schedule for weight loss is:
a. skipping breakfast
b. avoiding all snacks
c. eating regularly scheduled meals and snacks throughout the day
d. consuming only meat and vegetables for dinner
e. I don’t know

7. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to:
a. consume 500-1000 fewer calories each day
b. eat less carbohydrate and more protein
c. eliminate sugar
d. follow a gluten-free diet
e. I don’t know

8. To monitor weight loss progress,  weigh yourself:
a. every time you eat
b. monthly
c. every morning
d. weekly
e. never
f. I don’t know

9. Which habit helps promote fullness after eating as well as weight loss?
a. eating slowly, taking at least 15-20 minutes to complete a meal
b. eating fruit only for breakfast
c. avoiding whole grains
d. using a juicer for all vegetables
e. I don’t know

10. In order to lose weight, you should:
a. never eat high-fat, high-sugar treats like candy or ice cream
b. eat only sugar-free versions of sweets
c. eat only fat-free versions of sweets
d. eat smaller amounts of sweets less often
e. I don’t know

11. A recommended and safe rate of weight loss is:
a. 5 pounds per week
b. 1-2 pounds per week
c. 3-5 pounds per week
d. I don’t know

By Lynn Grieger, RDN, CDE.


National Weight Control Registry.

Aim for a Healthy Weight. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Download Word File With Answers Now: Weight Loss Pre and post test

For more weight loss education materials and programs, click here.