Press Release: Free Poster Program

For Immediate Release: January 9, 2014
Media and Consumer Inquiries: 800-462-2352

Louisville, CO — Food and Health Communications, Inc has introduced a free poster program for nutrition professionals. The program offers free posters to educators who are presenting at conferences that have nutrition and food professionals in attendance. Why introduce this program now? Judy Doherty, PC II and founder of Food and Health Communications, Inc, led the development of this program in response to numerous requests for materials that could be used at state dietetic meetings and other conferences.

The educational posters are bright, clear, and positive, with simple health messages that are appealing and easy to understand. All of the posters are original and none feature any industry advertising of any kind. The information presented on the posters is up-to-date and based on the latest scientific evidence.

There are some restrictions to the new poster program. For example, in order to receive a free poster to use at a conference, the audience for the meeting must be food and health professionals. There must also be at least 30 attendees. People who are interested in receiving a free poster need only fill out a simple form with their conference information in order to be considered for the free nutrition poster program.

For more information, visit People can learn more about the poster program directly at

Here are a few of the latest educational posters from Food and Health Communications, Inc.

9 Ways to Lower LDL Cholesterol Poster













Announcement: Updated Heart Month Materials

For Immediate Release: January 8, 2014
Media and Consumer Inquiries: 800-462-2352

Louisville, CO — Food and Health Communications, Inc has released a series of new nutrition education materials in the Nutrition Education Store. These new materials promote updated diet and heart disease health information, just in time for Heart Month.

The diet and cholesterol education resources cover the updated cardiovascular disease care guidelines from the the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. The blood pressure education materials feature the new guidelines from the Journal of the American Medical Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s JNC 8. The new blood pressure poster features the DASH diet as a healthful approach to reduce heart disease risk. The materials also discuss heart disease, lifestyle risk factors for heart disease, diet and exercise routines to adopt in order to improve health, the long-term impact of heart disease, the basics of cholesterol, a review of body mass index, a closer look at the role of excess salt in the development of heart disease, an exploration of the importance of fruits and vegetables to good health, and much more.

The launch of these resources was prompted by Judy Doherty, PC II, who founded Food and Health Communications, Inc in order to provide necessary resources to busy health educators. To further that end, the heart education materials take a wide range of formats that will appeal to a broad audience. Each one features tools for a few different learning styles, ensuring that there is something for everyone. The full complement of posters, presentations, handouts, tearpads, clipart, worksheets, recipes, bulletin board kits, banners, and tabletop displays are all available at

For more information, visit or

The updated heart materials include…

Blood Pressure Poster

DASH and Your Heart Brochure


Heart-Healthy Cooking Presentation


Presentation Idea: DASH to a Healthy Heart

Did you know the DASH diet won first place in a recent USA Today Diet Survey? Stay tuned for a post coming up about the contest and the DASH Diet.

Trying to teach the basics of the DASH diet and promote heart health? Do this great activity, which is perfect for a class session or a break during a heart health presentation.

Assemble a display of elements of the DASH diet. This should include pictures, models, or empty containers of healthful foods. Add some exercise equipment (to represent the importance of physical activity), and a scale or tape measure (to represent weight management). Arrange these items into your display before participants arrive.

Once everyone has made it to the classroom, discuss the display:

  • What is included?
  • What is absent?
  • Why?

Ask participants to brainstorm the link between all these items. After the discussion, reveal that these are all key elements of the DASH diet, which was developed to help fight high blood pressure.

DASH to Better Blood PressurePass out copies of the Make the DASH for Heart Health (available in the store). Have students read through it. Discuss its main points as a group, then have participants list the steps they are going to take in order to reduce their high blood pressure (or their high blood pressure risk, if they currently don’t have high blood pressure) on the back of the page. These can remain private or be shared with the class, depending on your group’s comfort level.

No handout? No problem! Have students extrapolate from the display and discussion to create a guide to the DASH diet in their notes.

If you need decorations for your classroom or office, have the participants make and illustrate their own handouts, then turn them in to you. You can make the DASH handout design into a contest and display the winners, or just photocopy the best ones for distribution to the rest of the class.

If you have access to computers or smartphones, participants could also do further research on the DASH diet with those, incorporating what they find into their handouts.

This presentation idea is an excerpt from the educational program, The 12 Lessons of Diabetes. This program follows the same format as the other fantastic 12 Lessons packages and is chock-full of insight from a wide variety of health and nutrition professionals. If you are interested in Diet and Heart Disease, see the 6 Lessons of Heart Health Program

View all DASH Diet Education Materials here.

Free Handout: Substitute Your Way to Heart Health

It’s time for another free nutrition handout! This week’s installment is all about simple substitutions that your clients can make in order to improve their heart health. There’s a preview below, and, if you like what you see, scroll down for a link to download the PDF for free.

Choose OatmealBaked Goods

  • Choose oatmeal or another whole grain cereal instead of baked goods. Top your oatmeal with fruit and skim milk.
  • You can also try 100% whole wheat breads instead of sugary baked goods. After all, MyPlate does insist that people should make at least half of all the grains they eat whole grains, every day.


  • Try trans-fat-free light tub margarine instead of butter.


  • Substitute fat-free ricotta for regular or reduced-fat ricotta.
  • Use a little bit of cheese that has a strong flavor instead of a lot of cheese that has a mild flavor. For example, try Swiss, Parmesan, or cheddar cheese as flavoring agents and keep the amount you use in the dish on the small side.

Egg Yolks

  • Use egg whites instead of whole eggs.
  • Try a nonfat egg substitute.

To see the whole handout, download it today!

If you’re looking for more nutrition education resources or items that address the diet and heart health education theme, check out the amazing featured products below…

Heart Health Poster Value Set

Lighten Up Your Cooking Handout

Lower Your Heart Attack Risk Score Heart Health Brochure

Free Nutrition Education Resources

For Immediate Release: December 18, 2013
Media and Consumer Inquiries: 800-462-2352

Louisville, CO — Food and Health Communications, Inc has just launched a new free nutrition education resources center. This hub of free nutrition education resources is filled with the latest nutrition quizzes, nutrition icebreakers, cooking clipart, free nutrition handouts, and health statistics to help health and nutrition educators prepare for an evidence-based nutrition class that is engaging, effective and up to date. All of the nutrition resources are complimentary and geared toward aiding nutrition educators as they work with their clients.

The focus of the nutrition resource center is broad, and it covers many topics. Features include tools for teaching people about diabetes, heart health, weight control, nutrition basics, cooking, and more. There are pre and post quizzes to gauge learning needs and success. And there are free nutrition class certificates to award people who pass classes. Jokes and quotes provide great ice breakers. And nutrition and cooking clip art helps make handouts and announcements visually inviting. The content is always changing and is kept continually updated with the latest scientific research.

The launch of this new center was prompted by Judy Doherty, PC II, who founded Food and Health Communications, Inc in order to provide necessary resources to busy health educators. The goal of the educator’s resource center is to offer some of the most popular health and nutrition materials to people who will use them to improve the lives of their clients.

For more information, visit and click the link for the Nutrition Education Resource Center on the top left. People can access the resource center directly at

Presentation Idea: Make an Artful Display

Cooking Demo ToolsWhen you’re giving a cooking demonstration, the way you present your ingredients can really make a difference in audience engagement. If you have things haphazardly tossed into bowls and plates, or even just zip lock bags, the instructions won’t be as clear and you won’t look as professional as you could.

Gather pretty prep bowls and other items that will make your presentation ingredients look more appealing. Be sure that all your tools and ingredients are ready to go before your class arrives to view the demonstration.

Linda L. Rankin, PhD, RD, LD, FADA, Professor and Assistant Dean at Idaho State University’s Division of Health Sciences and the Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences, uses gorgeous glass containers for her cooking classes. They’re called Prodyne Spice Towers. She told Food and Health, “I bought three and am going to use them in my Healthful Cooking class – 1 for legumes, 1 for rice, and 1 for grains. They will also be great for presentations, TV spots, and individual counseling.”

We loved these towers so much that we even pinned them to our list of favorite kitchen equipment on Pinterest. Check us out at!

For more great ideas for your next cooking demonstration, check out the options below…

Home Run Cooking: Book and Demo Program

Cooking Demonstration Kit

Cooking Demonstration Guide

Nutrition Apron

Stop Burning the Midnight Oil!

Newsletters have managed to stay relevant, engaging, and creative since their humble beginnings in the 1500s. But do you have the resources you need in order to craft the best nutrition newsletters for your audience? Can you fit one more thing into your day?

Now you can have your cake and eat it too.

Instead of spending time creating and curating your very own nutrition newsletter, let us do it for you! Our team of dietitians, doctors, chefs, editors, and researchers comes together to craft the best resources in town. Everything is based solely on scientific evidence and it’s all put into clear and positive messages that are easy to understand.

With a team like that, why burn the midnight oil? These specialty newsletter services will help you give your clients the tools they need to succeed. And when they’re achieving their goals, you’ll look great. Plus, with us taking care of your newsletters, you’ll have more time to develop strategies to grow your customer base.

Did we mention that you’d still have total editorial control? With the custom newsletter program, you can always edit and add to the newsletters as you see fit, making them your own. This will take a fraction of the time you would need to devote to making the whole thing from scratch.

So why wait? Get the tools you need today!

Want to hear more? Well, it’s pretty simple…

Email Your Own Newsletter … Or Let Us Do It:

Don’t have a team? Use ours! That’s why our new email marketing and custom newsletter service has just launched. With a team like ours, why should you burn the midnight oil? The specialty newsletter services will help you give your clients the tools they need to succeed. And when they’re achieving their goals, you’ll look great.

We have all different levels of service, from do-it-yourself to full-service custom newsletters.

If You Just Need a Content Boost, We Have That Too!

Already working on your own materials and just need a little help with articles and handouts? Copy from us! That’s right — you can get your own license to copy our our materials by becoming a member of the  Communicating Food for Health Newsletter and Membership Program. With this program, you’ll receive a newsletter with the latest research and professional updates. You’ll also get lots of handouts and articles that you can use in all your communications. There is a whole library that you can draw from in order to get exactly the materials you need.


Preview It For Yourself!

For a limited time, we’re making the January 2014 edition of our award-winning newsletter from our private member library available to everyone. Download your copy today!

Subscribe now with a special offer in our store and get a free 2014 calendar now…



Click here to join our new email service to grow your business – choose the level that is just right for you!

Check out some of our custom templates:


Free Handout: Survive the Holidays with MyPlate

The holiday season is upon us! How are you keeping your celebrations healthful? This month’s free holiday nutrition handout offers some great advice for enjoying the holidays in a fun and balanced way, using tips and tricks from My Plate.

Survive the Holidays with Health

Download Survive the Holidays with MyPlate now!

The holidays can be a crazy time of year, with so many activities and nary a free moment in sight. Yet your health and fitness goals shouldn’t go out the window in this scenario — it’s still important to stay healthy. This free handout offers a great start. For more holiday nutrition handouts, check out the Nutrition Education Store or browse the featured products below…

Holiday Secrets: Healthful Holiday Recipe Cookbook

Holiday Poster Value Set

Holiday Color Handout Trio

The Story Behind the Rainbow Poster

We were delighted to get a product request from Sharon Baird, RD, MEd, MBA, Food Service Director for the Goleta Union School District. Sharon was troubled by the school salad bars, which looked woefully plain. We immediately set to work creating a giant salad bar tabletop sign, called eat from the rainbow, that promotes healthful eating. It took a while to pick out and arrange the perfect fruits and vegetables, but we did it! Now we couldn’t be more pleased with the result.

Salad Bar Tabletop Sign

The sign was a hit at the school district as well. In fact, it was such a hit that we crafted a matching banner and poster too. That way, the rainbow of health could be displayed above or below any serving table. The eat from the rainbow oster lends itself especially well to displays in employee break rooms and the offices of RDNs. What a bonus!

Here’s a picture of the salad bar sign as it’s being used in the school district that had asked for it in the first place. Don’t you love the pop of color and encouraging message? The photo of the rainbow salad is actually almost three feet long. It is digitally stitched from six high resolution photos of a real salad that was 3 feet long.

Salad Bar, Hard at Work

Sharon wanted a salad bar sign that could safely sit on top of the salad bar, and since the salad bar needed to be moved daily, the sign had to be easily portable as well. We managed it, and the sign has been working perfectly. After all, the finished table topper’s design is very practical. It assembles easily, and its lightweight construction makes it great to transport anywhere, anytime.

So, what’s so awesome about eating from the rainbow? Basically, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables will get you a wider range of nutrients than eating the same few fruits or veggies every week. Colorful fruits and vegetables are also wonderful sources of substances called phytochemicals.

Phytochemicals contain protective compounds that may help prevent diseases. “Phyto” comes from the Greek word for plant. These chemicals are in all plants, but most people use this word specifically in regards to plants that are food sources. By eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, you will consume plenty of phytochemicals. Here’s just a sampling of colorful foods that are packed with phytochemicals. We’ve even outlined the health benefits of these phytochemicals…

  • Lycopene (found in foods like tomatoes and watermelon).
    Lycopene may help prevent heart disease and prostate cancer
  • Lutein (found in leafy greens like spinach, kale, and romaine).
    Lutein may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration.
  • Quercetin (found in onions, kale, broccoli, red grapes, cherries, apples, and red wine).
    Quercetin may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and seasonal allergies.
  • Resveratrol (found in red grapes, red wine, and peanuts).
    Resveratrol may help prevent cancer and heart disease.

So what are you waiting for? Order your very own tabletop sign today!

Free Handout: ABCs of Diabetes Management

To celebrate American Diabetes Month and help raise awareness about life with diabetes, this month’s free diabetes handout is the ABCs of Diabetes Management. This handout is excerpted from The 12 Lessons of Diabetes, a popular diabetes education program that is now available in the Nutrition Education Store.

Download the ABCs of Diabetes Management Handout now!

The 12 Lessons of Diabetes program makes preventing, managing, and understanding diabetes both simple and accessible. It’s full of engaging activity ideas, informative handouts, and colorful posters. It can be spread out over the course of a year (one lesson per month) or condensed into an intensive workshop. The free handout we offer today gives a great first glance into the kind of information you’ll get in this program. Looking for other ways to honor American Diabetes Month? Check out these resources…

Diabetes Poster Value Set

Diabetes Risk Bundle

Eating with Diabetes PowerPoint and Handout Set