Back to School Bucket List

Back-to-school time is right around the corner. The new school year is a time of transition. It often feels like a new beginning, much like New Year’s in January.

This is the perfect time to build a bucket list. A Healthy Bucket List, that is!

Our Healthy Bucket List poster helps your students or clients choose goals to create their own Healthy Bucket List using simple changes that have a big impact over time. Here are some teaching tips to go along with it:

  • In the classroom:
    • Let the class vote on which Healthy Bucket List goals they want to work on each week, month, or year.
    • Have kids of all ages create their own version of the Healthy Bucket List using markers, crayons, pictures cut out of magazines, etc. (Adults would enjoy this activity, too!)
  • On social media:
    • Introduce the Healthy Bucket List concept and ask followers to build and share their own list.
    • Post about your own Healthy Bucket List goal – what you’re going to do and how it turns out.
  • In the office:
    • Display the poster in your waiting room so clients can ponder the simple goals that add up to a healthier life.
    • Let clients vote by putting small sticky notes on the items they plan to add to their bucket lists.

By Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD

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updated on 07-16-2024