Everybody Needs a Break

We need to give people a break. A break from pop-up ads proclaiming the latest miracle food. A break from digital billboards along the highway that alternate between sculpted bodies selling gym memberships and McDonald’s French fries. A break from commercials and spam telling them what to eat and what not to eat.

Give them a break with our “I Am…” poster! It’s the antidote to the noisy, conflicting, all-or-nothing messages about food and health that we’re all bombarded with every day.

“I Am…” is a motivational health poster that emphasizes the steps on your journey to a life of health and well-being. Affirmations serve as gentle reminders for:

  • Self-care: sleeping enough, forgiving a setback.
  • Diet: eating mindfully when hungry, loving fruits & veggies.
  • Physical activity: moving more, exercising consistently.
  • Attitude: not giving up.
  • Intention: planning and working to success.

Here are five ways to use the “I Am…” poster with your clients:

  • It’s perfect for a weight management group that meets regularly: start each meeting with participants sharing which affirmation they identify with most that day.
  • It’s a good ice breaker for an individual or group session: which affirmation is speaking to you today?
  • It’s a goal setting helper: which affirmation do you want to work on?
  • It’s a take-home message: take a picture of the poster with your cell phone and look at it frequently throughout the day.
  • It’s a question: one step starts your journey – what will your one step be today?

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updated on 07-27-2024