Diabetes Pre and Post Test Questions

Diabetes Pre and Post Test Questions by Lynn Greiger, RDN, CDE

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  1. Diabetes is a condition that is a result of:
    a. being overweight
    b. too much insulin
    c. not enough insulin or insulin isn’t working effectively
    d. eating too much sugar and drinking sweetened beverages
    e. eating fast foods and processed foods
    f.  I don’t know

2. Diabetes occurs due to problems in which organ?
a. intestines
b. stomach
c. pancreas
d. gallbladder
e. I don’t know

3. High blood sugar levels can cause:
a. increased thirst and urination
b. increased energy levels
c. weight gain
d. improved vision
e. I don’t know

4. Losing weight may have which benefits for people with diabetes?
a. help the body use insulin more effectively
b. lower blood sugar levels
c. decrease the risk of heart disease
d. All of the above
e. I don’t know

5. Healthy eating for people with diabetes means:
a. spacing meals and snacks evenly throughout the day
b. never eating snacks
c. eating only lean meat and vegetables
d. following a set meal plan
e. I don’t know

6. People with diabetes should NEVER eat or drink:
a. sweetened beverages like soda pop, sweetened iced tea, or juice drinks
b. any white-colored food
c. any type of fruit
d. pasta and rice
e. I don’t know

7. The nutrient that has the greatest effect on blood sugar levels is:
a. protein
b. carbohydrate
c. sugar
d. fat
e. salt
f. I don’t know

8. When grocery shopping, a person with diabetes should:
a. buy only special diabetic foods
b. buy only foods labeled ‘sugar-free’
c. avoid all foods that contain carbohydrate
d. read food labels to evaluate calorie, carbohydrate, and fat content of foods
e. I don’t know

9. Fiber is the part of food that:
a. causes blood sugar levels to rise higher
b. is incompletely digested and provides roughage
c. should be avoided by people with diabetes
d. can only be consumed in adequate amounts with supplements
e. I don’t know

10. Physical activity and exercise:
a. is never a good idea for people with diabetes
b. helps lower blood sugar levels
c. only counts when you exercise for at least 30 minutes at one time
d. has to hurt in order to be beneficial
e. I don’t know

Living With Diabetes:  Recently Diagnosed. American Diabetes Association. http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/recently-diagnosed/
National Diabetes Education Program. I Have Diabetes. http://ndep.nih.gov/i-have-diabetes/index.aspx

More diabetes education materials are in the Nutrition Education Store.

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updated on 07-16-2024