Water Week

When the weather gets cooler, people forget about drinking water and staying hydrated. Get them back on track with Water Week!

What’s Water Week? It’s five days of facts and tips about the importance of drinking water:

  1. W – Why do we need to drink water?
  2. AAmount – how much water do we need to drink every day?
  3. TTaste – don’t like the taste of water? There are many ways to add some flavor!
  4. E – Eat foods that have lots of water in them, like fruits and veggies.
  5. R – Routine – make drinking water a regular part of your daily routine and you won’t have to think about it.

Water Week can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be. Here are some ideas for activities:

  • Include a water-related fact in your school’s daily announcements.
  • Post messages about water on your social media pages.
  • Put up our Drink Water poster.
  • Give away fun water-themed stuff like our bookmarks, stickers, or wristbands.
  • Give teachers or employees special water bottles and have them track how much water they drink each day.
  • Offer free bottled water. (During non-COVID times, you could set out pitchers of water with various flavor-enhancers, like fruit and herbs.)
  • Have your students debate the pros and cons of bottled water versus tap water.

Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD


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updated on 07-27-2024