Top your bowl with a lily pad

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Some things are just hard to resist.  For me they were silicone lids that look like flowers and plants.

I originally saw them when a friend showed me her set shaped like lily pads. They looked very real to me. I searched several “upscale” kitchen gadget stores and finally found them for sale.

These lids are made of silicone and seal tight on smooth rims of glasses and bowls.  Not only are they pretty, but they create an airtight and watertight seal on glass, plastic and stainless steel.

They are designed by Charles Viancin ( Let me be right up front with you. I don’t work for them. I do not get any money from them for writing about the lids. And, no, I did not get a discount or free product  for writing this post.  I paid full price—and they are not cheap!  The large (11”) lily pad lid was $13.99.   But, I think they are great and worth letting readers know about these cute and useful kitchen gadgets.

These silicone lids are designed to prevent spills and save on plastic wrap. They can be used in the refrigerated, freezer, microwave and even the oven (maximum 428 degrees F).  They’re great for putting in the microwave to prevent spattering or on top of an irregular shaped bowl in the refrigerator. They look great and attract a lot of attention on the serving table. As a lid they can be washed over and over again (dishwasher safe, too).  I like them for bowls and glasses that didn’t come with their own lids. There are even large “banana leaf” lids that would fit and 8 ½” x 11” dish.

The only problem I see with them is the small little knob in the center does not allow for stacking inside the refrigerator.

 I think they are a great gift idea, bridal showers or weddings or birthdays.  I like to give people things that they  might not spend the money for themselves.

I loved them so much I bought a set of the pink hyacinth ones for my sister as a birthday gift. She loved them.

Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS
Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

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updated on 07-16-2024