The Math of Fiber: Numbers Don’t Lie

If your clients are like most Americans, they’re not getting enough fiber. It’s time to fix this by showing them that numbers don’t lie – it’s the Math of Fiber!

  • 25 grams = recommended daily amount of fiber
  • 15 grams = actual daily intake for most Americans
  • 4 = the top health benefits of fiber: heart disease, diabetes, weight control, and gut health

These numbers add up to one key message: Eating more high fiber foods (whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes) = better health for life.

Speaking of fiber, you can make things really fun with our Fiber Treasure Hunt Floor Decals. These 7” round decals each feature a photo of a food that is either a good source of fiber or provides zero grams of fiber. Arrange them on the floor and play ‘musical decals’ (like ‘musical chairs’). When the music stops, each person steps on the decal they are closest to and has to answer some questions:

  • What food is on your decal?
  • Is it a good source of fiber? (If they’re not sure, you can ask questions … ‘is it a fruit? a vegetable? a legume or whole grain?’)
  • If it’s not a good source of fiber, how could you change it to make it part of a high fiber diet (eat it with a side of veggies and brown rice?) or choose something different (fruit for dessert instead of a cupcake?).

And don’t forget to send everyone home with our Math of Fiber handout!

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updated on 07-27-2024