Free Radical Display Idea

Dottie Stambaugh, RD, set up a gorgeous free radical display for her latest presentation, and she even sent along instructions for how you can make your own. Here’s the step-by-step guide…

Free Radical PosterDottie began by enlarging our Free Radical poster to 27 inches by 16 inches. Then she tacked it onto a bulletin board.

From there, Dottie added a few free radical magazine articles and a copy of the Color Your Diet: Stave Off Aging handout. That handout’s lists of various food color groups and its guide to what to eat from each color in terms of which antioxidants are present was a perfect way to highlight how a balanced diet can combat free radicals.

The final element of the bulletin board was a poster that Dottie made herself. It illustrated the way that oxygen-free radicals disrupt cellular metabolism, proposing that they are the root cause of chronic disease.

So that was the bulletin board.

Below the bulletin board, Dottie arranged a basket of foods in various colors in order to drive home the point that colorful foods contain antioxidants that destroy free radicals.

But wait — there’s more! There were also two cans in the display. An old, rusty can illustrated what happens to the body when free radicals run wild, while a clean, shiny can highlighted the way antioxidants can rid the body of free radicals. Dottie asserts, “The two cans really got their attention.”

Now, because we love you, we’re making the Free Radical poster available for free! Download it here and get started on your own display.

Looking for more? Check out the featured free radical resources available in the Nutrition Education Store

Phytonutrient Poster

Nutrition: Get the Facts PowerPoint Presentation

Colors of Health Poster

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updated on 07-16-2024