Comfort Zone Poster for Motivation and Success

The dictionary defines a comfort zone as a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress. From the context of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the comfort zone is like being in neutral. You are not really learning or doing anything new or going anywhere. You are staying the same. For most individuals, according to CDC statistics, that can be trouble. 

Health educators always indicate in surveys that the greatest challenge is getting someone to implement new strategies for better health. Maybe it is learning to shop or cook. Or to make better choices when eating out. Or to get some sort of exercise routine.

So we made this fun and colorful poster that is positive and motivational. It helps people make smart goals and to realize that their current state is beautiful and comfortable. But nothing is happening!

Here are some fun activity ideas:

Ask everyone to share their best comfort zone. Could it be popcorn and the movies, skipping workouts, eating out, eating a certain food that is hard to control portions yet high in calories, not getting enough sleep, or working too much?

The best part is that the group will connect by sharing the things that make them happy but keep them from accomplishing their goals.

Work on the SMART method of goal planning. Ask everyone to work either individually or in groups and to come up with SMART goals. It is always really motivating to hear what others want to do and how they will do it. Can they even work in a group after class?

Have them make a motivation note. What are the reasons to want to do more and get more healthy? Is it a job you want to be your best for? A spouse, family, or kids? Or just a dream you want to accomplish.



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updated on 07-16-2024