Choose Water

When it’s hot and humid, it’s time to remind people to drink plenty of water. Our Choose Water bookmarks and wristbands are perfect for this! Put them in a basket on your desk so whoever comes by can take the message home with them.

Here are a few more fun ways to nudge people towards water:

Around the water cooler


  • Put some of our Choose Water wristbands or bookmarks nearby.
  • Set out a bowl of lemon and lime slices for people to add to their water.
  • Write some of our water facts (below) on sticky notes and put one or two up every day for a week.

In the break room

  • Write “free – drink me!” on brightly colored paper and rubber-band it around an unopened bottle of water. Put a few of these in the break room refrigerator.
  • Be sneaky – write some of our water facts (below) on sticky notes and put them on the soda machine or near the coffee pot.
  • Serve an afternoon break with fresh fruit and water.

And here are some water facts to get you started:

  • Why do I need to drink water?
    • Water regulates your body temperature.
    • Water lubricates and cushions your joints.
    • Water protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.
    • Water aids in digestion and getting waste out of your body.
  • When do I need to drink more water?
    • When it’s hot and humid.
    • Anytime you’re physically active.
    • When you have a fever.
    • When you’re sick with diarrhea or vomiting.
  • General success tips:
    • Drink a cup of water every morning, before coffee or tea.
    • Never pass a water fountain without stopping to take a drink.
    • Carry a water bottle with you every day.
    • Order water at restaurants instead of soda.
    • Flavor it up – add slices of lemon or lime, and other fruit.
    • When you reach for a diet soda, have a cup of water first.

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updated on 07-16-2024