Plant Slant Category Is New

“Plant Slant,” a new category in our store, provides tools to help you educate your clients about a plant-based eating style. Plant Slant is a hot topic these days, because eating more plant foods (and less animal products) is good for your health and good for the environment. It doesn’t take a vegetarian or vegan diet to reap the benefits, making a Plant Slant an easy goal for everyone! MyPlate is based on 3/4 plants or more and a plant based eating pattern is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and it is the base of the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH diet. By teaching the idea of a “plant slant” you open a whole new world to your clients as well as a different way of seeing and appreciating healthful foods.

Our colorful Plant Slant poster shows these fun lessons that you can use with this poster or to plan any class on your own:

  1. Foods that make up a plant-based eating pattern include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds as well as foods made from these like vegetarian milk or vegetarian meat substitutes.
  2. How eating more plant foods benefits your whole body, from the brain to bones, and helps prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes. A plant based diet that is high in fiber and low in added solid fat, sugar, and sodium is healthier for your heart and helps you control your weight because you feel full on fewer calories.
  3. The environmental impact of eating more plant foods and less animal products is one of the most important changes anyone can make to have a smaller carbon footprint.
  4. How eating more plant foods is for everyone who wants to be healthier, not just vegetarians or vegans.
  5. How do you go about implementing a more plant based diet into your own routine right now?
  6. What are easy switches? Meal ideas?
  7. What are whole foods? (Whole foods are foods in their near natural state and do not include highly processed foods like white flour, sugar, or processed meats to mention just a few)
  8. What is plant based? (Plant based means foods that are made from plants versus items from animals like meat)
  9. MyPlate is 3/4 plants!
  10. While vegan excludes all animals, plant based is mostly plants and a little more flexible. It is healthy and easy!

Our eye-catching Freedom From Chronic Disease banners feature a veggie-filled Statue of Liberty raising her “torch” of fruits and vegetables. What better way to show the benefits of eating with a Plant Slant?

Use a plant slant theme for any class, wellness fair, classroom, cafeteria, or event!

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updated on 07-16-2024