Pineapple a-peel

I love kitchen gadgets. Yes, you have to store them.  Yes, it is something else to clean.  But they are fun and (I think) make cooking and eating easier.  Some foods are just hard to prepare. Pineapple is one of them.

My sister recently showed me a pineapple corer she purchased at a specialty food store for about $10. This is her second, the first broke from use.  Thinking it may hold up better under frequent use she says the next one she buys will be metal. It is fun to slice the fruit into rings and kids can have fun decorating them into happy faces.

If you’re not into buying more gadgets, many grocery stores have machines that will core and cut a fresh pineapple.  Either way do-it-yourself or at a store, you get the solid core out of the center and the prickly skins cut away.

I heard people say they don’t use these devices because it wastes some of the fruit. It is hard to use the little bits of pineapple attached to the skin.  Personally I think it’s a trade-off.  Yes, coring wastes a little of the pineapple, but it makes getting through the prickly skin much less daunting.  If it’s easy, it might even get people to eat more fruit.

Commercially this fruit is not wasted. Pineapple manufacturers use the parts attached to the skin after mechanical coring for crushed pineapple, juice, nectar and marmalade.

Fresh pineapple can be pricey, but this is the time of the year to look for your best deals.  Other times of the year, canned pineapple is readily available for a reasonable price.  Select pineapple canned in its own juice or in water to reduce the added sugar calories.

Cheryle Jones Syracuse

Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

IMGP9523Peeled Pineapple

Here are great pineapple recipes from

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updated on 07-16-2024