Free Handout: Nutrition for Kids

It’s time for another free handout! Are you lucky or what?

This week’s free nutrition education handout is called Nutrition for Kids. It lays out simple questions for kids to ask about their meals and snacks, which combine to help them make healthful and balanced choices. This handout is a perfect accompaniment to a nutrition game or bulletin board for kids. Get it now!

Kids Nutrition Handout

Of course, if you’re looking for nutrition posters, resources for kids, or even school health education materials, the Nutrition Education Store has you covered. Check out the Free Resources for Educators section, or just browse the store. Some of the most popular health and nutrition guides for kids are featured below…

Food Label Bookmark Pack

Eat From the Rainbow Banner

MyPlate Activity Book for Kids

New Products Available Now

Check out the Nutrition Nuggets page which features over 20% off three special products each week.

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updated on 07-27-2024