Free Handout: The Pillars of Healthful Snacking

It’s that special time again — free handout time! This month’s handout is all about healthful snack habits, setting up the 4 pillars of healthful snacking in a simple, fun, and accessible format. It goes particularly well with this Healthful Snacking Poster, which is available in the Nutrition Education Store.

Free Handout: Snacking

Download the Pillars of Healthful Snacking now!

There is so much you can do with this handout, from leading a snacking workshop, preparing a cooking demonstration, or just distributing it to participants as they need it. What are you going to do with yours? If you need more inspiration, check out the other resources that the Nutrition Education Store has to offer…

Healthful Snacking Poster

Cooking Demonstration Kit

Home Run Cookbook

Remember to check back here next month for another free handout!

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updated on 07-27-2024