Do the Calorie Math

Paleo, keto, low carb, Mediterranean – no matter the diet, it still comes down to math. Calorie math, that is! And our new Calorie Math poster has something for you to show everyone.

  • For the Counter who asks, “So how many calories should I eat?”
    • The Calorie Math poster lists average daily calorie requirements based on activity level.
  • For the Carb Hater who says, “Carbs are evil. Gimme some bacon.”
    • The Calorie Math poster shows calories per gram for carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Where is the evil? Or the fiber?
  • For the Doubter who insists, “My grandmother ate fried chicken and lived to be 92.”
    • The Calorie Math poster provides calories per pound for different foods, including the fact that fried foods have 3x the calories as non-fried.
  • For the Justifier who claims, “A few extra calories here and there won’t hurt.”
    • The Calorie Math poster shows that 3500 calories make one pound of body fat.
  • For the Reluctant Counter who says, “I don’t want to count calories all day long!”
    • The Calorie Math poster says to aim for 400-500 calorie meals.
  • For the Rationalizer who says, “My doctor told me to lose 30 pounds, but since I took a walk this morning, I can have this cupcake.”
    • The Calorie Math poster shows that walking or jogging one mile burns about 100 calories and it takes walking 35 miles to lose a pound of body fat.
  • For the Busy Mom who complains, “I sit all day at work and I’m too busy keeping the kids going and the house clean to go to the gym.”
    • The Calorie Math poster says that any movement counts, even cleaning the house.

Help your clients learn how to do the calorie math – because numbers don’t lie!

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updated on 07-16-2024