9.99 Poster for April

Now that April is here we have a new poster special for you. We invented the monthly poster special for customers who have tight budgets but want to provide a beautiful nutrition and health education lesson for their walls. The price includes shipping and a downloadable PDF handout that is delivered to your inbox after purchase. We enjoy getting the letters thanking us and telling us what the posters are being used for from low income community events to health fairs to classrooms. Keep up the good work with all of your education efforts.

Our monthly $9.99 poster special has been a big hit with all of our subscribers. We always choose from among our best and most popular posters so you get a truly beautiful poster for your wall.

So, without further ado, here is the April $9.99 poster, I Heart Fruits and Vegetables. It takes all of our favorite fruit and vegetable photos and puts them in the shape of a heart. It is simple and it illustrates that there is a lot to love about fruits and vegetables plus they are good for your heart.


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updated on 07-27-2024